Comments (29)
Normal Mode Complete
Chapter 2 is so confusing! Where tf is the "control room"?
just got beta access, lol.
Your game is awsome
Chapter 1 Complete
One Night In The Cellar - Beta version 0.3.7
you need to wait till i notify YOU 🫵 about the release of the next Beta version
One Night In The Cellar (Beta Console) v1.0
this console can let you unlock all the secrets and give you an INFINITE amount of coins… but keep in mind: your scores + coins are saved separately form the release versions :]
One Night In The Cellar - Alpha version 0.3.6 (Windows)
please comment if you find any bugs. this really helps me out :)
#fangame #horror #fnaf #puzzle #arcade #adventure #shooter #retro #action #survival
Community: https://gamejolt.com/c/one-night-in-the-celler-idrsqb
FNaF fan game playing at the celler of the FNaF 3 Pizzaria. Luke should wait while his dad is cleaning the pizzaria. Luke heared game boy sounds from the celler so he can´t wait. He got to the celler and badly closed the dor behind him and closed him self in the celler. He realized to late and saw some animatronics like the original Golden Freddy or the should be new atraction caty. but he also heared something misterious...
- "W, A, S, D" move
- "LeftControl" sprint
- "Space" jump
- "F" flashlight
- "TAB" cams
- "ESC" Pause
- "MouseLeft, MouseRight" Interact
music by: Tim R
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence