
Comments (24)

What do you think?

How did you get your scratch game on here?

Looking forward the the full game!

I might make a gameplay, but I might not because... my dad might not let me download or play this with flash player.I would play this because it is scratch and I use scratch:D scratch is my fav.

still using scratch? man, just get it.
scratch is for kids to learn programming.

Put #fnaf in the description


One Week At James'

Version: 0.8.5almost 9 years ago
Close to finishing :D
			The science fair at the school is coming up, and your pre-paired. But, you realize that you have to keep your project at home. You soon realize that Animatronics was a bad idea, because they asume a mind of their own and only one thing is on their AI: action.kill(creator);

Yes, this is a FNAF clone. But, don't worry, it is going to be awesome!
Please comment what you think!
Credit to TheRulo for the game mechanic

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence

New Update + AI



As of 10/30/2015, OWAJ’s hit 123 views! HAPPY HALLOW’S EVE!!

Major update!


Sorry, but it isn’t 2/4 done, it’s actullay 5/12 done. Well, you still have the latest version. BTW, if you are stuck, press [R] to reset your location to room 1.