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Version: 0.0.14 months ago


Art thou willing?

Do you dream?

Do you choose?

Do you forget?

Do you pray?

GAMEPAD controls:

left analog movement

south face button (X on playstation): press to "interact"

north face button (Triangle on playstation): hold to "sacrifice" energy to increase the range of your light source and increase movement speed.

east face button (Circle on playstation): hold to "conserve", increasing energy regen but lower movement speed.

Start (on playstation): press to toggle inventory. Neat, but not useful.

R1 hold to enable "aim" mode. press south face button to defend yourself.

right analog: hold to move light source around a lil bit. aw cute.

KEYBOARD controls:

wasd movement

e: press to "interact" (eyes)

f: hold to sacrifice your energy to increase the range/strength of your light source, and increases movement speed.

c: hold to conserve your energy to increase regeneration rate, but lower movement speed.

tab: press to toggle inventory. Neat, but not useful.

spacebar: hold to enable "aim" mode. press e during aim mode to defend yourself.

arrowkeys: hold to move light source around a lil bit. aw cute.

#analog #horror

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