Game Community
Online Boxing 3D
2 Members

Comments (10)

What do you think?

the best modern boxing game right now and great community too

very good game

the best boxing game made ever stop talking

Incredible game thus-far. Has all aspects of boxing and more despite being an Active-WIP :

The developer, Mikkel, is incredibly receptive, responsive and open about critiques, suggestions, and concerns surrounding the game.

The game itself, features a ton of the core mechanics that any boxing game should have, and more. The mechanics feel intuitive, and the combat feels smooth and impactful. The gameplay is never dull due to the physics-based nature of the game. Additionally because of the physics-based gameplay, this drives to diversify each AI, and Player you're sure to come across later on in development.

Its hard to not like this game

On the backend, the game features a lot of open-ended settings that you can adjust within the files that you can share with others to use as well. These settings can drastically affect gameplay and tailor it to something more attractive to you individually. Some of these include-but-are-not-limited-to : Limb Stiffness, Limb sizes, Impact Power, Punch Speed, Movement Speed, Knockdown/Knockout Stiffness, and much more.

If you are interested in more direct involvement with this games constant-development and improvement here's the link to the discord server :

Absolutely one of if not the best boxing games of all time. Now this statment may sound preposterous but I have played many many boxing games over the years. Realistic sims (fight night 3-4) arcadey(face breaker, undisputed) and ones that split the middle (the ps2 Hajime no ippo games)

Believe me when I say this game in its current state (0.8.0 aka the footwork update in the community) has the most potential out of any of those boxing games. It has a realistic flow of movement that truly rewards you for understanding boxing and the chain of motions ones body does to accomplish the feats we see in boxing.

This game is fully physically simulated with very minimal "canned" animations (only one I can think of is boxer taking a knee from a body blow) this means that if you throw punches at different points of your bobbing and weaving it'll come from new and dynamic angles. On top of this most of the knockdowns and hit reactions are handled by the physics engine as well meaning some of the sequences can look like they've been lifted straight out of life.

Raw gameplay 9/10

as the game currently stands there isn't a terrible amount to do in it other then make boxers and go through the rankings in a old school ladder climb mode, it's enough for now. But hopefully one day he can go for the homerun on this and make a comprehensive career mode. Multiplayer is something right now that has some pains but once you have it set up it's fairly easy from that point. Using parsec hinders somethings about the game(like not being able to use two keyboards) however again as the state of career it's enough for now. Dev has said that proper multiplayer is coming sometime in the future so hopefully that addresses some issues.

Outer gameplay 6/10

The graphics are clearly WIP but look surprisingly good and do the job of conveying boxing exceedingly well, as goes for the sound design.

SFX&GFX 7.5/10

The game allows for all different kinds of binds and some weirdly deep combinations of keybinds that'll allow you to float around the ring like a pro, the community is very friendly and wants to help people get better at all aspects of the game. However the skill floor is quite high, once you learn the mechanics it feels second nature.

Accessibility 8/10

With boxing games being a more or less dead market with companies either ignoring the genre or dropping the ball *cough* undisputed this is possibly the best thing we will get in a long time. Don't hesitate, jump straight in and be a part of virtual boxing history. See you in the ring contender!


Online Boxing 3d V2

Version: 0.8.0about 24 hours ago

Online Boxing 3d V2 Linux version

Version: 0.8.0about 24 hours ago
A build for linux

Online Boxing 3D V2 is a fully physically controlled 3D boxing game..everything is simulated, the game contains zero percent conventional animations.

I've been working on this game for the last 4 years..Before I made another game (Online Boxing 3d V1), the boxing gamer youtuber boxing fanatico made a favorable review on this old game (, but as it was a bit limited, I decided to start all over.

The game is completely physics driven, NO CANNED ANIMATION AT ANY POINT. As far as I know, no other boxing game is doing that (correct me if I'm wrong). In my opinion that is the only way to accurately simulate boxing, because boxing is first and foremost about the subtle details. When a game uses a fixed set of animations, the details and finesse is lost.

The game is not complete yet, "real" graphics are missing and online is missing, but are planned in the near future. I release updates now and then, and each update is in itself a playable game.

Features so far

* 100% physics driven. Because of that it is statistically impossible to perform the same movement twice

* All punches (straights, hooks, uppercuts), both as body and head punches

* Analog bob and weave (using the analog stick)

* All none non-conflicting movements can be combined, for example weave left/walk/jab/blocking (in this case only the right hand will be used for blocking, since the left arm is occupied with the jab)

* Control the boxer using either controller or keyboard (or both)

* Configurable controls both for controller and keyboard

* Customizable characters. Body type, arm/leg length, height, weight class, and appearance.

* Career mode

* Player vs Player local play (or through Parsec)

* Records

* Fights are saved for later viewing (accessible via the record user interface)

* Replays between rounds

* Heavybag, sparring and shadow boxing mode

Things that need to be implemented:

* Real graphics, skins, arenas, gyms

* Online play

* Stance editor/punch editor

That doesn't mean that development will stop there, I plan on continuing development on this game indefinitely.

Well, if you are interested, download it for free, also be sure to join the discord channel 

#boxing #physics

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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