Comments (75)
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Pada saat di menu pas pindah menu ketika di tekan tidak ada jeda jadi susah untuk memilih menu hehehe
Movement playernya terlampau lambat *mungkin sengaja dibuat gitu kali ya? hehe
Idle pemainnya kok agak aneh ya? seperti kejang *karakter ash
[BUG] ketika game over masih bisa ke menu pause :3
Zombie yang gendut kok udah mati tapi tetap bisa ngurangin darah? *apa saya salah?
Overall 1-10 :
Art : 8.5
Cool tetap semangat XD
Looks great, kinda reminds me of a futuristic Metal Slug with the character selection!
Really looking forward to this game to be released! :)
This looks like it is going to be an AMAZING game.
Very interesting. Played the co-op mode!
"Twins Play (5) : Orbiz - KEHANCURAN DUNIA!! "
Orbiz is a local coop multiplayer game with rogue-like elements. The primary objective of the game is to engage in three levels of combat with various zombies on each spherical world before locating the portal to travel to the next one.
Note : This game need an XBOX 360 controller for a better experience.
ORBIZ Preview
This is a preview version of the game. Orbiz is a local coop multiplayer game with rogue-like elements. The primary objective of the game is to engage in three levels of combat with various zombies on each spherical world before locating the portal to travel to the next one.
Note : This game need an XBOX 360 controller for a better experience.
Orbiz is a local coop multiplayer game with rogue-like elements. The primary objective of the game is to engage in three levels of combat with various zombies on each spherical world before locating the portal to travel to the next one. You can run or kill the zombies, or effectively you must destroy all of the green glowing spawners dotted throughout the landscape, to open the portal to the next world.
• Local co-op up to 4 players.
• 3D lowpoly pixel art graphics.
• More than 15 bosses with weird animations.
• Randomly generated spherical worlds every time you play.
• Some explosive enemies.
• Some tips and wisdoms in loading screen.
• Setting Menu !
Chinese and Russian language support
New weapon effect
Enemy AI improved
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore