Comments (42)
Late making this video public (blame MH: World), uploaded this back in January 21st. Good game!
Gave it a go...
Aaaah this game brings back memories! such an awesome but hard game! enjoyed this alot! good job on creating this game!
Name Your Price
Otherworld Hospital (Windows)
Aside from menu interactions, this game is fully playable with an Xbox 360 controller.
Please be aware that the game's intro is a bit lengthy, but explains what's going on and what your objective is, so it is recommended that you watch it all the way through the first time. Remember that you can always skip it later!
Otherworld Hospital is a simple yet challenging survival horror experience.
Prepare to venture through a dark hospital in a different dimension. You must rescue the remnants of spirits which have been consumed and immobilized by the evil residing here.
All that remains of these spirits are small 'orbs'. You must collect all seven of them, and return to the room in which you started, at the hospital bed, where your dead body lies. You are the only entity in this 'otherworld' with a link still connected to the world of the living, and thus, you are their only hope. If you succeed, you will travel back through the spiritual tunnel and return to your body, and restore the trapped spirits, sending them on to where they belong.
However, with each orb you collect, the demon which consumed that spirit will begin to pursue you. They will relentlessly try to take you over as well. Once they give chase, they will not stop. You must run and dodge, while keeping an eye on your essence (life) meter. If you are struck by a demon, you will lose a portion of your essence. Although your essence slowly recharges on its own, it will become more and more difficult to maintain as you accumulate more and more demons after your soul.
With each new game, the location of the seven orbs are randomized, so no two games are alike. Find them all, and don't let your essence meter hit zero! The demons' behaviors are randomized as well, and they will occasionally appear right up close, attempting to catch you by surprise.
Upon finishing the game, you will be ranked on how well you evaded the seven demons. You are NOT being timed, and are encouraged to be strategic with your actions. Be swift, though, as the demons can appear anywhere, and might be swatting at you before you know it.
But be warned - you still have a link to the world of the living, and are thus still bound to the laws of physics. These demons are a part of this otherworld, and can move through anything.
Sometimes, the game will generate orbs in particularly inconvenient locations that make it very difficult to succeed, especially if you're going for the "S" rank. If you find yourself stuck in this situation, you might try going back to the main menu and starting a new game altogether to see if you have better luck.
If you encounter any bugs, or anything that seems out of place/like it's not supposed to happen, please report it to me at: [email protected]
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed