
Comments (16)

What do you think?

Hello! I really enjoyed your game, it was super fun to play with a pretty unique idea to it! I made a let's play of your game here~

Can you make it so we can choose an installation location in the setup?

i thought this game was awesome!! never ever played a game like this before! XD love the fact of throwing parcels through peoples windows and doors XD really awesome job on creating this!

I like the game so much that I even made a video about it :D


Package Man 1.3.0

Version: 1.2.0over 6 years ago

Paper Boy has graduated from handing out newspapers to delivering Packages. Get a chance to work for the best Delivery Company in the World!

This game is still in development! So expect regular updates (1-2 a week).
You will encounter bugs, that's just how game development works when you're alone :P
Please consider supporting me and purchasing the supporter version, as it will help me greatly to keep working on this game! (Since this is my only source of income).
Android version is in development, no ETA just yet.

Click here to become a Patreon Supporter! <3!

You have a limited time to fill your Van with packages, and your shift ends once the Van has reached the end of the Road.

You have 5 days of work, from Monday - Friday.

Each day is on a random map, at different times of day.

This is a Highscore based game, the better you perform the higher your score, the higher up you are on the leaderboard

Prove your capabilities by smashing as many doors, windows and garages as you can.

Make sure to be a good employee or you will lose precious points which will reflect on your score!
No Login required, just please don't spam the Leaderboard <3


What you get:

  1. Random Packages

  2. Random Houses

  3. Random Maps (Day, Sunset, Night)

  4. Online Leaderboard(s) one is "hidden" ;)

  5. Smashing things

  6. AAA Engine capabilities (more to come)

  7. In game Bug Reporting

  8. English and German Language support (more to come)

  9. Fun


Whats to come:

  1. Endless & Challenge Mode

  2. Android/Mac/Linux Version

  3. Steam (Once I made my first 100ā‚¬ to pay for it)

  4. Twitch Integration (Chat can manipulate game)

  5. Original Soundtrack

  6. Customization

  7. More Packages

  8. More Houses

  9. More Maps

  10. More Languages :)

  11. Achievements

  12. Improved Smashing things

  13. More prettiness

  14. More Physics



  • Input | Action

  • WASD | Move

  • Mouse | Look

  • Mouse1 | Interact (Pickup, Throw, Open Doors)

  • ESC | Ingame Menu

You can report Bugs from within the game, so please keep this comment section free of bug reports (This makes it easier for me to actually fix them).



Join the Discord Server to share your scores or thoughts :)

Coming Soon(TM)

About me

I'm only one dude who made the entire game from scratch.
I live in germany in my sisters kitchen and am looking to either get into a game development company or make enough money to afford my own appartment. Finding Game Dev work here in germany without proper degrees is really hard, thats why I chose to go down this path :)
Support me and you will see many more awesome games come to life (I have a giant list of ideas which are just waiting to get made, and one game on hold since I lost most of the data since my old PC's cpu got fried and somehow my HDD corrupted in the process.)

You want to help?

If you can make Music and have a fitting Idea for this game, let me know and I'll get in touch :)
If you want to help translate the game into your language, let me know and I'll send you a spreadsheet with all in game words/text.
If you have game improvement ideas, please use the ingame bug report system for that!
If you pay 1$+ you can be a part of the development process and see whats going on under the hood and you also get a fancy user flair under your username in the Leaderboards.

Click here to become a Patreon Supporter! <3!



Kickstarter Announcement + Big Update(w/ Twitch Integration) + Publisher- We love you!

New Maps & Packages

Updates for 1.1.0

Updates and Fixes for 1.0.1

Free for now!

Enjoy the game while it lasts!
Iā€™m working on another project but I want to get this out there.
So download it now before I change my mind about the price :P