
Comments (8)

What do you think?

So I'll admit, the game did crash on me twice (and the end of my video, the second one was after I reset which I edited out), but honestly, I like the concept of this game enough to look past it (plus I have a mid range setup that is playing and recording the game, and my webcam/mic all at the same time, its not the first time its happened, lol). I may try the Low Graphic build next time in case, but its rare you find a "patient zero" game that isn't a precursor event like playing as a scientist in a lab, or a member of a task force sent to find said patient after an outbreak. I really like the direction this game went, I only played the first chapter so far, but I will be continuing the game!

(Link to the full video below if anyone is interested!)

game just crashes both version


Patient Zero Demo

Version: 0.1.08 months ago
Demo of patient zero. If you experience crashes then download the low quality version.

Patient Zero Demo (Low Graphic Version)

Version: 0.1.08 months ago
A low graphic build of the Patient Zero demo. Recommended for people who use low spec PCs or are experience lots of crashes in the demo.

Play as Robert Courtman as you help him try to find his wife and child in this First Person survival horror game where YOU are the zombie. #horror #survival #residentevil #firstpersonshooter #zombies #playasazombie #undead #platformer #puzzles #shooter #puzzle #scifi #demo #freetoplay #earlyaccess #retro

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay with the extended/updated demo, I became unexpectedly busy with real life. I'm hoping to have it up and ready by the weekend.

Hello there everyone; just a little update. The extended early-access demo will be released in the next few days! It's taken a bit longer than I thought it would as I really wanted to minimise the crashes (and I've been working on a little prequel too)

Also whoever manages to found all four puzzle pieces in all four levels (so 16 in total) and manage to record/screenshot it first will get to name a new character! :)

If the demo crashes too often (currently trying to minimise crashes for the demo next week) then download the low graphic version.

The demos are up! The NPCs on Level 4's AI aren't quite right (they are on later levels which aren't in this release) so to make up for this, and the bugs, I will release a new extended demo sometime next week with an extra level and some fixes.