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A game, to be a game to be a awesome shootemup in 3d for mobile. #rpg #arcade #platformer #survival #scifi #action

my plan of having this game on gamejolt is to get community support for ideas in concepts for the game, to help the development.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Added two more modes of game play as in Survival Mode and Campaign Mode! (really need to find a way to give the user an idea of what they've selected!)

HUGGEEEE UPDATE many more generation types added and many more objects for the generator to play around with also the UI has been almost redone as problems occurred before.

Early achievements system not completely finished but close to finished or maybe not still alot to refine but it currently works and in future maybe replaced by platform achievements system.

Added ideas for three modes (Endless Mode, Survival mode and Campaign Mode) Endless Mode - a mode where its endless to gain as much gear without bosses Survival Mode - same as Endless Mode but with a health bar
Campaign Mode - Endless Mode with bosses

Fixed alot of bugs, refined alot of code so far and now its time for new features.

Dont forget to check out a even better title to even come out, also my other project that is currently in development within partnership with amazing people @Mortum and others

Added a little bit or massive amounts of post-processing into the game to touch up the feel a bit. planning to add a chromatic aberration effect before you hit anything. and maybe... a dial down the grain effect too while im at it.