
Song of the Stars (Scrapped Demo)

Version: 1.0.03 months ago
If Windows flags this as a Trojan, try the 32-bit version. This is a demo of "Song of the Stars" from before the game's concept was changed.

Song of the Stars (Scrapped Beta Build)

Version: 1.0.0about 2 months ago
If Windows flags this as a Trojan, try the 32-bit version. This is the final beta build of "Song of the Stars" and may contain bugs which won't be fixed.

What if, one day... it all disappeared. Everything you thought you knew, replaced with an empty white void. What would you do?

Warning: This game features tons of cute characters and heartfelt moments, presented in a simple visual style. If you're looking for violence, fancy graphics, or even a game over screen, you won't find any of those here.

Inspired by Changed, Furquest, OneShot, and UNDERTALE.

Brought to you by The Mavis & Co.

Credits To...

94br13l - Concept Artist, Sprite Artist, Tester

@Enzolos - Tester, Writer

Emurry - Sprite Artist

@Fanimator_Animations - Reviewer

@Joe98912 - Artist

@JustAnimates1210 - Tester

@mnwary - Writer

@PoPlayzGamejolt123 - Tester

@retr22800 - Tester

@ShiftySheepy - Writer

Soda B - Sprite Artist

@Teecup - Tester

@Thatguywholikesfood - Reviewer

@Turbulationn - Reviewer

@VnRacer - Tester, Writer

@xNoodlePlayz - Concept Artist, Tester

Note: Everyone listed here has also helped with game design!

Special Thanks To...

Alden, @BalgamliKedi , @Efe_Kaya , @Enzolos , fitzjolt, Ghostly, Kevin, @mnwary , @ShiftySheepy , @Thatguywholikesfood , @VnRacer , @ZaxentoTheGreedy

Thank you for sticking with me for so long. (And for the emotional support!)

#adventure #rpg #retro #scifi #puzzle


Also, here's the last preview I'll be sharing of a room in area 0, because I like to keep my followers fed :3

The rest will be revealed when the area 0 & 1 demo is released!

You've seen dysu, now get ready for...


(larger dialogue portraits will be used in petrichor going forward, in tandem with the original smaller ones.)

I welcome you to SHITTER ENTERTAINMENT, parent company of The Mavis & Co. (definitely real)

This isn't a petrichor-centric server, but there is a channel here for discussion about the game

Overworld got several objects added, another cutscene is coded, and writing/sprites for the "tutorial" sequence I mentioned is improved!

Area 0 is probably about 30-35% done now.

The game's "tutorial" sequence is created now! this is a sequence which happens at the beginning.

it's basically an intro thing which shows what happens just before the game really starts, which I felt was needed for pacing (and it doubles as a tutorial)

Room backgrounds and decoration is done for now, onto dialogue and scripting

First room interaction dialogues are written now.

Intro area progress:

- 8/9 rooms fully decorated

- post processing effects are working (game can look "magical" now)


Intro area progress:

- all rooms now have backgrounds!

- 7/9 rooms fully decorated

Intro area progress: 5 rooms fully decorated! Of the 4 remaining, 2 rooms need backgrounds and decoration, and 2 just need decoration.

No progress today, had to take a break!

The 4 fully decorated rooms make up the upstairs of Dysu's house. The downstairs and outside is what's left to complete at the moment.

After then, I will add dialogue, scenes, and gameplay :3