Comments (2)
Hello, it is an interesting start, I look forward to seeing more. When I jump on the spot I find I am still in a jumping pose when I land, a bit more light or a torch would help to see and I hope there are more sounds too. Apart from that it seems good.
PS. You have an 'e' on the end of "Load" in the main menu...is the on purpose? hehe.
Emily's Adventure
Emily's adventure is a 3D platformer adventure game ^_^
Jump Puzzles and traps collect missions and explore
The Game project Started at Nordic game jam and a couple of weekends spent upgrading and adding more Levels, 6 Different Levels
you can downloade the bigger updatet version of the game at
Link 1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByGNc8uZflclYUNzV2wtTlFHN1k/view?usp=sharing
Link 2 www.dropbox.com/s/qyi4b2ucr2gifbn/Emilys%20Adventure.7z?dl=0
Link 3 https://www.dropbox.com/home/Emilys'%20Adventure%20Game? preview=Emilys+Adventure.7z
update 23-05-2017