
Piece of Sh#!*
This is a game I made back in May 2018 for a Game Jam I participated in. I did all the coding, and someone there helped with the sprites. I do not plan on modfiying the game at the moment, regardless of it's flaws. I am well aware it's not good, but hey, it was my first Game Jam!
----- What's Piece Of S#!t*? -----
The subject was "symbiosis", which made everything harder to be honest. We thought about taking a simple game such as Tangram, and giving it a twist. By making the game a two player game, things get complicated. The rules appear at the beginning of the game, so I won't go into much detail there.

The game's name is a bit harsh. It already starts by calling you names. Why is that? Because you're actually playing against the game's owner, who has no name. He's going to throw riddles at you, and he expects that you can somehow manage to figure out the hidden word. The word ultimately plays the part of the Tangram: instead of having to fill out a Tangram board, you have to fill an image from scratch. Yes, I am well aware this is the hardest game ever, and makes no sense at all.
So... What's the catch? Well, every time time you and your partner play a card, the other get's a penalty! So, are you playing against each other? Maybe, maybe not... However it may be, the point system, created by the game maker himself, is also screwed up. How long will you last until you quit? That's the true definition of despair!
----- Disclaimer -----
The game has no end, and is just a demo version of what could eventually become something else.
----- Credits & Info -----
Programs used: Game Maker Studio v 1.4.1804 Professional Edition, Photshop, Marmoset Hexels 3 and NotePad++.
Credits go to my partner and myself, as well as the staff in charge of organizing the event.
Programmer and Manager: Nanuk [Twitter: @NanukCodes]
Designer and Manager: Beatriz Díaz [Twitter: @beaqueen93 ]