Comments (6)
hi, my night3 part. it's so hard and disturbing ;) greetings
here is my second part :) greetings
hi, big thanks for this disturbing game :) i hate and love it :) greetings from germany
So many insparation games. Cool.
my gameplay video
You're just a little child
You're sitting in the room
You're sitting next to killer
And you want them to screw.
0 downloads[â–ˆ][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘][â–‘]100 downloads (6th Night)
Programming | Alex Sashgh
Modelling | Alex Sashgh
Idea | HellMan
Plot | Alex Sashgh & HellMan
Insparation | TRTF
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
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