Comments (23)
any difference between original and new?
Is there an uncensored version of the dream scene?
i found bug at shy's house werewolf event keeps triggering for her brother
Issue/bug found. Error details "unable to find file: Audio/ME/Gameover3180" and then it's closing itself. Here's the prove. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/646839994895564800/646928771370450954/LuaPlayer_20192221102221.jpg
Hello can you help me with the 8 digit code on the game Im corrently in the 2 code and it 15:57 on the game.
MLP RPG GAME Pinkamena The Origins Act 1
MLP RPG GAME Pinkamena The Origins Act 1 NEW
Everything changes. Sometimes for the worse...
The story tells about the moral decline of the main character - Pinkie Pie, but also about the disaster that hung over Equestria. Our pink mare is not able to deal with addiction to partying, alcohol or drugs, which is why she keeps falling lower, giving no respite, partying every night in the next club, having sex with random stallions. She hides all her problems from her friends, refuses to admit her new lifestyle.
However, at one of the parties, she meets a friendly stallion who decides to help her. Unfortunately, Pinkie Pie doesn't know what his real intentions are...
But this time Starlight Glimmer and King of Changelings Thorax will join the team and will experience many adventures together during their missions.
A polish production game, based on the My Little Pony series, programmed on the basis of the RPG Maker engine. It has a system of active turns during the battle.
Some information about the game:
– It has a system of active turns during the battle. ATB system
– Only the Act 1 is available. The duration of gamplay is between 2 to 10 hours ,
– Over 50 quests, lots of locations, side quests
– Advanced crafting and alchemy
– Many characters you can talk to
– you have the quest log and journal available and this time even lots of
achievements to get
– the game has quite a lot of ready scripts that give the game a whole new quality (credits can be found on the gamejolt website)
– the game was translated from Polish into English, so errors may occur. My English is not the worst, but I also used a translator that could have grammar depths somewhere. I probably haven't seen all such mistakes, so I apologize in advance for this.
– at the end, the game contains a few disturbing pictures, appearing suddenly with a louder sound
Have fun!
Beta tests;
-Frederic Mitz
Wszystko siÄ™ zmienia. Czasami na gorsze...
Historia opowiada o moralnym upadku głównego bohatera - Pinkie Pie, ale także o katastrofie, która zawisła nad Equestrią. Nasza różowa klacz nie jest w stanie poradzić sobie z uzależnieniem od imprezowania, alkoholu lub narkotyków, dlatego ciągle spada niżej, nie dając wytchnienia, imprezując każdej nocy w kolejnym klubie, uprawiając seks z losowymi ogierami. Ukrywa wszystkie swoje problemy przed przyjaciółmi, nie chce przyznać się do nowego stylu życia
Jednak tym razem do drużyny dołączą również Stalight oraz król podmieńców Thorax i doświadczą wielu przygód podczas misji.
Gra polskiej produkcji, oparta na serialu My Little Pony, zaprogramowana na bazie silnika RPG Maker. Posiada system aktywnych tur podczas bitwy.
Ma system aktywnych tur podczas bitwy. System ATB
Dostępny jest tylko Akt 1. Czas trwania gamplayu wynosi od 2 do 10 godzin, ponad 50 zadań, wiele zadań pobocznych, interakcji z losowymi postaciami
masz dostęp do listy zadań i dziennika, a tym razem także do listy osiągnięć, jak również co rozbudowanej alchemii oraz craftingu
gra ma sporo gotowych skryptów, które nadają grze zupełnie nową jakość (kredyty można znaleźć na stronie gamejolt)
gra została przetłumaczona z polskiego na angielski, więc mogą wystąpić błędy. Mój angielski nie jest najgorszy, ale użyłem też tłumacza, który może mieć gdzieś błędy gramatyczną. Prawdopodobnie nie widziałem wszystkich takich błędów, więc z góry przepraszam za to.
na koniec gra zawiera kilka niepokojących zdjęć, pojawiających się nagle z głośniejszym dźwiękiem
Dobrej zabawy! Pozdrawiam!
-Frederic Mitz
MLP RPG GAME Pinkamena The Origins Act 1 by GRENTO YTP
Scripts used:
CSCA Light Effects
version: 1.1.0
Created by: Casper Gaming (http://www.caspergaming.com/)Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Message System v1.05
Yanfly Engine Ace - Battle Engine Add-On: Enemy HP Bars v1.10
(Hidden Enemy HP Bar Fix)** Victor Engine - Basic Module
Author : Victor Sant** Victor Engine - Active Time Battle
Author : Victor Sant+++ MOG - Battle Hud EX (v3.2) +++
By Moghunter
http://www.atelier-rgss.com+++ MOG - Animated Title A (v2.4) +++
By Moghunter
http://www.atelier-rgss.com/** Region Names
Author: Hime
Version: 1.1RETCON Library
Journal Version 1.2
Author: Matt (McDohl)Quest Journal [VXA]
Version: 1.0.3
Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
Date: 24 September 2012
Support: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,45127.0.htmlBasic Enemy HP Bars v 2.9
Script by: V.M of D.T** Victor Engine - Light Effects
Author : Victor SantEXP gauges v1.4 by Rbahamut
Enhanced Camera by RPG Maker Source.
Version 1.0.1 13/12/14 DD/MM/YY** TDS Stat Distribution
Ver: 1.8Survival System v1.11 (formerly known as Needs System)
Created by: Apellonyx
Released: 2 April 2013
Last Update: 5 April 2013Galv's Visual Novel Choices
Version 1.9Galv's Menu Themes Engine
Version 1.6Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine v1.09
Fullscreen++ v2.2 for VX and VXace by Zeus81
Title Large Choices
Author: Hime
Date: Nov 18, 2013Yanfly Engine Ace - Party System v1.08
Scrolling Help Descriptions.
by RPG Maker Source.
www.rpgmakersource.comYanfly Engine Ace - System Options v1.00 -- Last Updated: 2012.01.01
CSCA Core Script
version: 1.0.7
Created by: Casper Gaming (http://www.caspergaming.com/)CSCA Achievements
version: 2.2.1
Created by: Casper Gaming (http://www.caspergaming.com/)CSCA Extra Stats
version: 1.1
Created by: Casper Gaming (http://www.caspergaming.com/)CSCA Encyclopedia
version: 3.0.3 (Released: March 7, 2013)
Created by: Casper Gaming (http://www.caspergaming.com/)Jet's Viewed Battle System
Text Sound Effect (version 2)#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Axcess Resources Logo Script#
#Made by Aquarus#
#Based on script on RPG Maker VX Ace Lite#
Pressuer - Jestesmy Tylko Hałasem (Grento YTP Remix)
Pressuer - RWN
Pressuer - Chaos Want To Eat Your Soul V2
Pressuer - Xyyyyyyyz
Amnesia The Dark Descent OST by Frictional Games
B52 Development TeamDreamy Rainbow 2 soundtrack
Evil Enchantress by Sim Gretina
EarthBound: The War Against Giygas OST [Giygas Theme]
RAINBOW.EXE OST and character "Rainbow.EXE"
by J.B.M
https://gamejolt.com/games/rainbow-exe/221614Preaching to the Choir Acapella Royalty Free Music
Some more music from Sim Gretina
Some more music from WoodenToaster
Some more music from Living Tombstone
Music from Spooky House of Jumpscares, 27 Fried Calamari Spooky
Dirge for the planet by Firelake
Celestial Battle - Final Fantasy- Brave Exvius - Music Extended
Music from Dreamy Rainbow 3D made by Mr Yossarian
Music from MLP Game on Android
Rainbow.exe OST
Discord (Remix) - Eurobeat Brony by Living Tombstone
General Mumble - She's A Pony [WoodenToaster Remix]
Fluttershy's Lament by All Levels at Once
Art of the Dress (Trance Dance Remix) by Sim Gretina
At The Gala (20% Cooler Remix) by Sim Gretina
Winter Dance Up (Sim Gretina Remix)
Giddy Up - Network Musical Ensemble [The Hub MLP Advert]
A True True Friend (Sim Gretina Remix)
Daniel Ingram - In Our Town (174UDSI Remix)
[PMV] Knife Party - Chrysalis [FULL] (Fire Hive DubStep)
MLP Fighting is Magic - Pinkie Pie Theme
Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks - Under Our Spell (SquareHead Remix)
Arts and Artists:
Pinkamena Diane Pie Wallpaper
by LuuandherdrawsPinkamena Diane Pie - Wallpaper 2 | VIP
by AmoagtasaloquendoEpicplatypus Pinkamena Diane Pie Wallpaper
by SadrethienPinkamena Diane Pie Wallpaper HD
by kelvinmelo60Pinkamena Diane Pie Wallpaper
by WazerXPinkamena Diane Pie Matrix Mode
by pims1978The-Pink-Stare-Wallpaper
by tzolkinePinkamena Wallpaper
by l13000Art by Calimero
Pinkamena Diane Pie (Wallpaper)
by HardiiMy Little Pony Mane 6 Wallpaper 1080p 2
by PonyBro20Pinkamena Diane Pie Wallpaper
by pegasister1000Pinkamena wants some souls
by shorti1996Graphic form Gothic 2 The Night of the Raven
Screenshots from The Spell.exe game
Screenshots from Rainbow.exe game
spritesheet from Zeka10000
spritesheet from Pianoconcert
spritesheet from Blackliquidsrw
spritesheet from Gamecommentaries
spritesheet from Dshou
spritesheet from Sergiobonifaciy
spritesheet from Banditmax201
spritesheet from KillerMareGaming