Comments (12)
Ah. Now THIS is a game. Talk about a masterpiece. Truly the greatest picross themed RPG of, at least, this holiday season--if not of all time.
At what cost indeed.....
Loved the game, even though I have no idea what the other ending is. It will forever remain a mystery to me.
Really neat game! I included it in my MiniLD #63 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)
If you are going to make a new version to this game, add an "easy" mode. Don't change the puzzles, but I find that I need more time on the puzzles because I am horrible at them.
I've never hated a game so much. Trying for the "true ending" has made a worse person, and I fear that I'll never love my family the same way again.
After spending almost two hours bashing my head into a metaphorical wall, and then upon learning of '"true ending'" I bashed my head into a literal wall trying to win.
Needless to say these are the true signs of an engaging puzzle game, and I'd strongly recommend it to anyone that has a passion for Solitaire. The core concept is untouchable and I'm excited to see where this game goes.
Game Soundtrack
It's an rpg. But with picross instead of combat. And a lame sense of humor.
Made for mini Ludum Dare 63. The theme was Fusion, as in mashing up 2 or more games or genres. I've been dying to make an RPG like Dragon Quest or Mother (1, specifically), but I detest their battle systems. So I replaced their battle systems with picross puzzles! Oops, I mean PiX puzzles. Gotta maintain proper branding.
By the way, it's pronounced "Picross rpg". And yes, I know the name is terrible.
Double by the way, there's a secret ending. Only true puzzle masters or true puzzle haters will figure out how to unlock it.
Mild Fantasy Violence