Comments (12)
Ah. Now THIS is a game. Talk about a masterpiece. Truly the greatest picross themed RPG of, at least, this holiday season--if not of all time.
At what cost indeed.....
Loved the game, even though I have no idea what the other ending is. It will forever remain a mystery to me.
Really neat game! I included it in my MiniLD #63 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/joAR2rvzxnQ

If you are going to make a new version to this game, add an "easy" mode. Don't change the puzzles, but I find that I need more time on the puzzles because I am horrible at them.
I've never hated a game so much. Trying for the "true ending" has made a worse person, and I fear that I'll never love my family the same way again.
After spending almost two hours bashing my head into a metaphorical wall, and then upon learning of '"true ending'" I bashed my head into a literal wall trying to win.
Needless to say these are the true signs of an engaging puzzle game, and I'd strongly recommend it to anyone that has a passion for Solitaire. The core concept is untouchable and I'm excited to see where this game goes.
LD version
Game Soundtrack
It's an rpg. But with picross instead of combat. And a lame sense of humor.
Made for mini Ludum Dare 63. The theme was Fusion, as in mashing up 2 or more games or genres. I've been dying to make an RPG like Dragon Quest or Mother (1, specifically), but I detest their battle systems. So I replaced their battle systems with picross puzzles! Oops, I mean PiX puzzles. Gotta maintain proper branding.
By the way, it's pronounced "Picross rpg". And yes, I know the name is terrible.
Double by the way, there's a secret ending. Only true puzzle masters or true puzzle haters will figure out how to unlock it.
Mild Fantasy Violence