Comments (8)
Very funny game!. If you could upload the web version, that would be great.
what do you think about our game? http://goo.gl/Do2lPh
Really simple, little game! I included it in part 19 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/wq1sSAsdW_U

Cool - Although you should have added walls or something to prevent cheating! xP Very different than my chicken game!
Voted on yours - hope you'll check mine out and give me some feedback :D
Fall: Stablish 32-bit
Fall: Stablish 64-bit & OS X
Fall: IndiesVSGamers Release
It's a good idea to read the description, before you judge. Oh and the web builds don't work. About 9 different people had a problems with it. Including me.
Your goal is to get to the bottom of the level and bump into the most platforms. To submit your score you must finish the game. It's not a hard as you think. If you get stuck reset, press escape.
I recommend that you listen to some epic music, like Two Steps from Hell or This Week In Chiptune. At this time. There is no sound in the game, and you'll be very bored.
How to play:
Slide Left(Left button, A, or Left Stick on an Xbox Controller)
Slide Right(Right button, D, or Left Stick on an Xbox Controller)
Jump (Space, but You wont need it)
Restart(Escape, You might need it on Level 3)
Not Die (Logic)
If your wondering why theres no sound:
Don't worry, I will add music if I get a new PC. By playing this game your increasing the chance of that happening.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans