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Plea of The Cursed (Demo)
A short demo for the game. You'll need the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to play it, since I don't package that in with the game. It comes packaged in a .zip due to people being unable to open the .exe file.
Plea of The Cursed (Demo 2)
Updated game with new voice actress for Nayeli. Does not contain music. Download the first demo and transfer the BGM folder to this one.
A game about loss, camaraderie, pain and learning to live for the future..
Plea of the Cursed is the story of a young girl who wishes the pain away, a man who seeks the truth, a woman with a bad temper, and various other characters! Featuring voice acting, a few puzzles to get through (though sadly not in the demo), and some heavy topics, the game is not suitable for those that are still needing their parents to scan what they play.
Though... far be it from me to spoil the rest, mm?
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language