Comments (25)
I wish I had a mouse; it would probably make the game a lot more enjoyable.
If you run out of ideas, just let me know. I have many things I think you'll like.
this game looks pretty damn dank! the only thing that i suggest (and i mean this in the nicest way because this game is already gr8) which i know is difficult is multiplayer
Cant wait to see what this becomes could be a pretty good rpg imo. Also probably something with the engine but when there are a lot of enemies it lags a bit (i have a pretty good system so i don't think its my hardware). good game will be checking on this from time to time : )
WHERE IS MY STEAM VERSION. love the game btw
The game! Still super early, though. :c

If you haven't noticed yet, this game is still a HEAVY work in progress. The game doesn't have many monsters, nor items within it quite yet, but I am showing it off to bring some hype towards it.
I'd recommend that you follow the game so you can keep up with the latest additions. It's updated very regularly and always has new content being added, usually in two/three-day intervals (depending on how busy my week is). The game is lackluster in content, but it'll grow. In time...
~ Stepford.
Also, feel free to suggest crud in the comments. Anything, really. I run out of ideas easily.

Plunder is a 'work-in-progress' dungeon-crawler with my horrible pixel-design and 8-bit sounds. (which are also horrible) The game will focus on item collecting, monster destroying, stat managing and fast-paced thrill. A basic game you can jump into and out of with ease! You take control of either two characters, and have customization stats.
The stats play a big role in the game, as each and every single one of them play a role in every thing. Such as your agility changes how fast you walk, your charisma changes how often the mages will blast a 3x shot at you, your luck sets the chance of a slime splitting into two versions of equal power much rather than just dying instantly, and so on. Each stat matters in one way or another, so it's risky to have certain ones low, whilst super handy to have others high.
The game has future plans for integration with gamejolt and perhaps even 2-player co-op. High scores, achievements, and so on!

Press any of the analog keys on a gamepad to switch to gamepad controls. Click any of the mouse buttons to switch back.
G/(B) is to drop things
Click/(Right Top Trigger) to attack.
1,2,3,4,5..,9,0/(DPADLEFT)/(DPADRIGHT) to change weapons.
You can also use E/Q to switch back and forth.
Shift/(Left Top Trigger) to run.Test Controls
F11 will turn off the lighting
F10 will turn off shadows
F9 will go to the small testing room.

Critical Hits.
Merchants to spend Coinies at?
Lots more loot, obviously.
A lot more monsters.
Make the walls look better.
Fix bugs.
More things littered around the dungeon.
Elemental Weapons/Magic/Effects.
Health Bar/Mana Bar.
Make the game more pretty.
More game mechanics.
In-game random quotes, from monsters and the character.
More magic.
More weapons.
More money!
#dungeon #RPG #survival #gamepad #controller #alpha #spiders #loot #coinies
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed