Comments (4)
how do i download it? (or is it out yet?)
when is it going to be redey
Hi its me max
Disclaimer: This is just a pokemon fan game. No hate goes to Nintendo or Game Freak in any way. I will not make any money from this.
In a world where pokemon have gone extinct.
Humans and Pokemon used to live in harmony. They used to cooperate. But after a horrible accident, the world goes poke-free. Everyone in the area of Croto start blaming each other for the extinction of pokemon.They begin to get violent. They become so violent, that now they are willing to kill each other with various guns. This was 20 years ago.
Today, The town you live in is a safe haven, meaning everyone who lives there stays out of the fight. The professor of the town discovers a possibility of a Pokemon's survival: The Unowns. Knowing this, the professor puts you to the task to find them and rewrite the past to prevent the extinction of all Pokemon.
Keep Calm, Grab a Pokegun, and join the fight.