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Nerds: John's Burrito Catch
Halloween John Version
In this version press space to become halloween john
Game Soundtrack
Burrito Catching (say so instrumental)
John the nerd a inside joke from roblox has lost his burritos try to get as many as you can
numpad secrets
1 gives you sox
2 gives you sarah
3 gives you monkey
4 gives you balls and tanya
5 gives you madness bluey
6 gives you greeny
keyboard secrets
m gives you doctor stupid mode
b gives you big room
z gives you small room
c gives you classic mode
e gives you multiplayer vs
q give you multiplayer co op
h gives you hard mode
non numpad number secrets
3 unlocks 3 player co op
theres probally more that i forgot but have fun #action #arcade #survival #other #strategy
Brief Nudity
Comical Shenanigans
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