
Comments (6,983)

What do you think?

"To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Underfell. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also sans’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Underfell truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sans’s existential catchphrase “You're gonna have a bad time,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Primus’s genius wit unfolds itself on their monitor screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Lawyer Sans tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid."

Please read the FAQ before commenting.


NOTE: This project and its team have long been abandoned. The page is kept here as a relic of the past, and nothing more.

Support the release and play through the original game before starting here, as Underfell is full of spoilers. Link to the original game will be further down in the description.

Also note that Underfell is an interpretation AU. There is zero official canon when it comes to the original Underfell itself, and we aim to offer a more unique experience than most other interpretations of Underfell.

That means that if you are looking for edge, red and black, sweat, extreme swearing, blood, or anything resembling Shadow the Hedgehog, then you're in the wrong place.

With that being said...

Welcome to Primus' Underfell!

Underfell is an Alternate Universe fan-fiction parallel to Undertale, where everything wrong that could happen has happened, and doesn't stop happening.


  • Killing still isn't necessary: Spare every monster you possibly can before leaving the area.

  • Or don't spare at all, whichever you want. The story is what you make of it, after all.

  • A character-focused, unique story that spans at least 5 chapters with 5 locations to explore!

  • (Somewhat) Original score bursting with personality and feels. Emphasis on feels.

  • You can still pet a lot of dogs. (There might be a cat somewhere in there.)

If you haven't played Toby Fox's Undertale, there will be spoilers related to the original story, so purchase it here.

Header Image created by OD.
Logo created by Fours.

Primus’ Underfell is vastly different to the fandom’s interpretation. Next to none of the original creator’s designs for the characters are used, and the basis of swapping routes is not present.

...Can anyone hear me?

Q: Where do I download the game?
A: You can’t. There are no chapters currently complete.

Q: Is X in Y route?
A: As already answered, all characters are in the same routes, except Sans. Sans will be fought in pacifist, although not for the same reason as the fan interpretation of Underfell. It will be justified.

Q: Can I draw fanart?
A: Yes, but if you want to draw fanart make sure you are using our designs and not the original creator of Underfell’s designs, unless if it's either Flowey or Napstablook, which remain the same.

Q: Why are the designs different?
A: This is our interpretation of Underfell, and these designs in our eyes fit to our story and look better than the originals.

Q: Are you Toby Fox?
A: No, but we were given permission by him to make this if that means anything.

Q: Can you use this song/spritesheet/idea in the game?
A: All music, assets and ideas are created within the team, unless if we ask an outside composer to make one song, with Confrontation of the Dead being an example of this.

Q: Can I join the team/Help with the game?
A: The likely answer is no. We have enough people working on various aspects of the game and enough people outside of the team willing to help with various things.


  • Member | Roles

  • Gulim | Leader, Writer, Game Designer

  • Cal | Writer, Game Designer

  • Asynchron | Concept Artist, Character Designer, Writer

  • Colinator | Coder


NOTE: Some of these credits are a bit out of date currently. Some information may be inaccurate.

  • Member | Roles

  • Shaw.Dizzle | Concept artist

  • Qwert/er | Coder

  • :) | Coder

  • Gamecube | Composer

  • Grassino | Composer

  • Palodia | Composer

  • Linear.v23 | Spriter

  • Tmntleo15 | Spriter

  • gg128 | Spriter


  • MadCreativity: Coding

  • CheeseCheese: Assistant Spriter

  • Dorked: Assistant Writer, Assistant Composer, Assistant Spriter

  • ExtendedFun: Composer

  • FatPapa: Artist

  • Flambeworm370: Spriter

  • Fours: Spriter, Character Designer, Writer

  • IgnisVernum: Writer

  • Jimmy the Bassist: Composer

  • KompleteKrysys: Writer

  • Neveroff: Advisor, Spriter

  • NickThatGuy: Spriter

  • Noodlescript: Spriter

  • Pine "O" Just: Assistant Spriter, Assistant Writer

  • ShadowTheClood: Coding

  • NetherHeartz: Spriting

  • FMS: Spriting

  • Frigadae: Spriting

  • Wrongnut: Game designing. Ex Leader.

  • Atrea: Composing and Writing. Ex Director.

  • ArpsK: Assistant Writer

  • Kalin: Designer, artist, writer. Ex Director.

  • Gaz: Artist, spriting

  • Starlite: Writer and Ex Director.

  • StylusStorm/Spence: Writer and Ex Director.

  • Papyrus the Memelord: Writer, status unknown

#undertale #underfell #redemption #insane #primus #fangame #au #alternateuniverse #hell #underground #monsters #humans #interpretation #fangame #flowey #toriel #sans

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans

An Update



the primus in its natural habitat

Part of Chapter 1 has ironically been leaked (April Fool's!)

Applications are CLOSED