
Project Defender
Your company landed a lucrative contract with the government. Everyone on your team is happy because lucrative contracts mean years of job security . All seems well but then the dreaded Project Manager, Bad Programmers and the Government appears to threaten your job security. Defend your project's funding!
Game Objective
The Project Manager moves left to right picking Funding Piles to attack with his death ray. If he is successful, the Funding Pile is knocked down. Once a Funding Pile has been knocked down, the Government will try to reclaim the Funding Pile.
As the Lowly Employee you must use your Funding Shield to protect all the Funding Piles and prevent the government from taking them.
From time to time, additional money will fall from the sky. Move the Lowly Employee underneath the falling money to catch it and add it to your reserves. You can use this money to replenish your Funding Piles or shoot the money at the government to prevent them from taking your Funding Pile.
Score as many points as possible before the Government takes all your Funding Piles.
Using the Controller
During play you will be able to control the Lowly Employee. Use the arrow keys to move the Lowly Employee left and right. Use these keys to maneuver the Lowly Employee under a funding pile to block the Project Manger's death ray from draining it.
To replenish a Funding Pile, maneuver the Lowly Employee on top of the knocked down pile and press Space. You can shoot any money you have collected at a Government by pressing Space
Begin Play
After loading the game, press the Enter key to start the game. If you reach a Game Over, press the Enter key to start a new game.
General Inforation
Funding Pile
You start the game with four Funding Piles. Replenishing a pile will award you 5 points.

Evil Project Manager
The evil project manager is attempting to drain your funding. Don't let his death ray strike yourFunding Piles.

Lowly Employee
The lowly employee is all that stands against the Project Manager, the Government and Bad Programmers. Be the hero and protect your teams job security!

Bad Programmer
Bad Programmers will attack from the left and right side of the screen. When a Bad Programmer hits the Lowly Employee, it will knock him to the side. Unfortunately, Bad Programmers are unavoidable so plan accordingly.

The Government will be watching your Funding Piles. If a Funding Pile is knocked down, the Government will fly down to reclaim it. Shoot Extra Money at the Government to stop them from taking your Funding Pile.

Extra Money Boosts
These extra funds will occasionally fall from the sky. Collect them to gain 5 points. You can then use them to replenish your Funding Piles.

User Interface
The left side of the user interface is your score. You receive points over time as well as collecting extra funds and replenishing Funding Piles.
The right side of the user interface is the number of Extra Money Boosts you have. The maximum is 3 and you can use one at a time to replenish your Funding Piles.

Music by Tristan Lohengrin : http://tristanlohengrin.wix.com/studio
#2d #arcade #pixel #atari2600 #retro #indie #8bit #4bit #windows #mac