Comments (20)
When i start new game or press continue in mobile automatically quits the app, pls fix it I really liked the screenshots.
я тупой школьник! Я тупой школьник! Я иду на заброшку! ААААААААААААА!
анонимусы уже захватывают game jolt
Оу щит
Загрузил на Андроид, главное меню загрузилось, нажал новая игра и все вылетело :( А как играть. Почему вылетает?????
Project DSA - Windows
Project DSA - Android
Project DSA - Windows - Low End Version
Project DSA - Android - Low End Version
Project DSA
The paranormal hunter Michael sets out for a week to explore an abandoned building. However, something is going wrong. The band "Anøn" goes here. However, Michael does not give up, he needs to survive seven days to find out all the secrets of this building and this mysterious group.
Let's do that.
Project DSA is a project with its own storyline and NOT based on Five Nights at Freddy's.
Please rate the game and subscribe it helps the project and me!