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Project Rhythm (Release)

Version: 0.6.857 months ago
The main build. For Windows: Simply run the installer to install the game and you're good to go. Note: Your antivirus might block the installer from running. This is a false positive. Turn off your antivirus and try downloading the game again. For Mac users: Prevent Gatekeeper warnings by opening Finder > Navigating to the application > Control + click > Open > Open. You can thank Apple. Linux: Run to start the game. For everyone else: Download the HTML build or play it in the browser.

Project Rhythm (Nightly)

Version: 0.7.1025 months ago
Latest development build. Use this if you want to test new features before they become stable. Note: Default settings may be skewed from what they should be because of my play-testing. **BY USING THIS BUILD, YOU ACCEPT THE POSSIBILITY OF RUNNING INTO GAME-BREAKING BUGS.**

Project Rhythm Song Editor (PRSEdit)

Version: 1.5.465 months ago
The official song editor for Project Rhythm.

CHART to PRS converter

Version: 0.1.1over 1 year ago
This is a tool to convert .chart files from Moonscraper Chart Editor to the format that Project Rhythm expects. Made obsolete by the song editor.

Welcome to Project Rhythm - a rhythm game written in Scratch. You can rock out to your favorite songs, or simply go for the highest score. Either way, you will have fun doing so.

[A] - Green note
[S] - Red note
[D] - Yellow note
[F] - Blue note
[SPACE] - Activate overdrive

Editor controls:
[UP]/[DOWN] - Forward/backward one step
[SHIFT] + [UP]/[DOWN] - Fine tune position
[CONTROL] + [UP]/[DOWN] - Increase/decrease note length/BRE length
[CONTROL] + [SHIFT] + [UP]/[DOWN] - Jump forward/backward 10 seconds
[LEFT]/[RIGHT] - Decrease/increase subdivision
[1], [2], [3], and [4] - Place/delete notes
[E] - Place/delete events
[SHIFT] + [E] - Force place event
[SHIFT] + click "Change BPM" - Delete BPM marker
[SHIFT] + click "Change TS" - Delete time signature marker
[S] - Toggle selection mode
[DELETE] (in selection mode) - Delete selected notes
[SHIFT] + [DELETE] (in selection mode) - Delete selected notes and markers (except BPM markers)
[CONTROL] + [C] (in selection mode) - Copy
[CONTROL] + [V] - Paste
[N] - Set song name
[A] - Set song artist
[D] - Set song difficulty
[L] - Set loading phrase

Song list:

This is a non-commercial product. Do not sell this game.

#arcade #rhythm

Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

Beta 5 released!


Gameplay demo 2: At the Speed of Light by Dimrain47

(If you're wondering where gameplay demo 1 is, it's right here:

Project Rhythm Gameplay Demo - Chirumiru
Help me reach 750 subscribers! Click the subscribe button now!Happy Cirno Day! You're surprised that I'm showing my new rhythm game, huh?Game: https://gamejo...

Here's a fun fact about Project Rhythm (see article):

Patch 0.4.1 released.

Nightly build 0.5.61 and PRSEdit 1.1.39 are now available.

Nightly build 0.5.59 is now available.

Nightly build 0.5.55 and PRSEdit v1.1 are now available!

The song editor just got a HUGE performance boost! Now you can create and edit charts without having to worry about lag!

Beta 4 released!

A song editor has been released! Now it's easier to create custom songs!