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Project Rhythm (Release)
The main build. For Windows: Simply run the installer to install the game and you're good to go. Note: Your antivirus might block the installer from running. This is a false positive. Turn off your antivirus and try downloading the game again. For Mac users: Prevent Gatekeeper warnings by opening Finder > Navigating to the application > Control + click > Open > Open. You can thank Apple. Linux: Run start.sh to start the game. For everyone else: Download the HTML build or play it in the browser.
Project Rhythm (Nightly)
Latest development build. Use this if you want to test new features before they become stable. Note: Default settings may be skewed from what they should be because of my play-testing. **BY USING THIS BUILD, YOU ACCEPT THE POSSIBILITY OF RUNNING INTO GAME-BREAKING BUGS.**
Project Rhythm Song Editor (PRSEdit)
The official song editor for Project Rhythm.
CHART to PRS converter
This is a tool to convert .chart files from Moonscraper Chart Editor to the format that Project Rhythm expects. Made obsolete by the song editor.
Welcome to Project Rhythm - a rhythm game written in Scratch. You can rock out to your favorite songs, or simply go for the highest score. Either way, you will have fun doing so.
[A] - Green note
[S] - Red note
[D] - Yellow note
[F] - Blue note
[SPACE] - Activate overdrive
Editor controls:
[UP]/[DOWN] - Forward/backward one step
[SHIFT] + [UP]/[DOWN] - Fine tune position
[CONTROL] + [UP]/[DOWN] - Increase/decrease note length/BRE length
[CONTROL] + [SHIFT] + [UP]/[DOWN] - Jump forward/backward 10 seconds
[LEFT]/[RIGHT] - Decrease/increase subdivision
[1], [2], [3], and [4] - Place/delete notes
[E] - Place/delete events
[SHIFT] + [E] - Force place event
[SHIFT] + click "Change BPM" - Delete BPM marker
[SHIFT] + click "Change TS" - Delete time signature marker
[S] - Toggle selection mode
[DELETE] (in selection mode) - Delete selected notes
[SHIFT] + [DELETE] (in selection mode) - Delete selected notes and markers (except BPM markers)
[CONTROL] + [C] (in selection mode) - Copy
[CONTROL] + [V] - Paste
[N] - Set song name
[A] - Set song artist
[D] - Set song difficulty
[L] - Set loading phrase
Song list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NedJZ3JWXNjp2H8Tk8WQk7HvOlRtYCz7f5f9Uj6PQSI/edit?usp=sharing
This is a non-commercial product. Do not sell this game.
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language