Comments (5)
I created a gamejolt account just to talk about this game.
(After replaying this game, I wouldn't say it's one of the worst games I've played but it's still up there. It's a game that really challenges and makes you think about your choices while simultaneously having some of the worst fucking mechanics in a video game. It's fun when your party isn't being insta-killed by every attack or getting spread bombed every turn.)
This has to be one of the most atrociously shitty fnafb fangames I've ever played. The bosses are EXTREMELY unbalanced and most of your fights will boil down to either getting spread bomb spammed or desperately trying to heal all your party members as everyone gets blasted.
What sucks is that its a really cool concept for a game along with it's beautifully designed UI (other than the font, but it grows on you after bit so it doesnt really matter.) You can tell the creator put effort into this game.
Now let me get to ranting.
They remove almost all of the character's skills along with locking most of them behind a 1-2 turn cooldown after use with a few exceptions. All of these end up hindering the gameplay a whole lot seeing as your team will usually have 1 or 2 skills available unless you wanna buy fucking skill chips. (Golden shit and golden Freddy's roulette is an actually good combo. Pretty much the same thing for every other attack that inflicts status effects, since it pairs well with golden shit.)
And don't get me started on the elemental attack system bs. It's either you get lucky by choosing a boss that aligns with your party members elements so they'll be able to actually deal damage or you get to be stuck in an hour long shitty fight. Also a single enemy should not be resistant to half of the available fucking elements in the game.
Arguablly the most unforgivable thing they did was add the music they did into this game. Don't get me wrong, there are some good choices of songs in this game but most of them end up being the most disgusting shit you've ever listened to in your life. Take vile and the refurbs for example, their themes are fucking atrocious, but not as bad when they're compare with the wind me up puppet; i'm not even joking when I say this, I QUIT the battle in the first 10 seconds because of how horrendously ass the song was.
Speaking of unforgivable shit, the most you'll get from winning a battle is either gaining
Also the one on one fights make zero fucking sense to me. You're faced of against either the same animatronic or another one where you 1v1.
I just realized that they're probably meant for later into the game where you actually have good items on your party, so I'll just stop talking about it.
I would rant more but I don't have the energy to right now.
In conclusion, its a real shame this game came out the way it did seeing as good the other two were.
I tried to like it, I really did. (Also never use springtrap, he's fucking useless unless he's being frequently attacked which almost never happens because he's either dead or can't attack fast enough. Bros only attack costs 80tp wtf.)
I ain't reading allat
What's the song in "The Life and Death of Enragement Child" B.B. fight?
Oh boy No impossible.
I think someone else made a thing like this but hey i'll try it out.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Crass Humor