Comments (9)
Wait so how do I die or whatever to actually submit my score?
This was a nice surprise haha
It lacks gameplay and looks like a sandbox/test, but it is very fun to throw heads in the air.
keep going!
Come see our game too!
Great start to a game! I included it in part 13 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to check it out!
Can't play it on Chrome
10/10 best game i ever played
Psychic Decapitation
PLEASE READ ME! Forgive me, but plz wait 10 seconds for enemies to spawn and auto log in. If you are not logged into a GameJolt account you will be given a Guest_# as your Name. CONTROLS: wasd and space/leftmouse to fire psychic bursts. ...............................................................
Scoring wasn't completed since no real gameplay exists apart from spamming kills.
Plz forgive the roughness of the game and enjoy #indiesvsgamers