
Comments (6)

What do you think?

i wonder what happened to this game

0 stars so bad !!!!


English : You are Akemni, a normal teenager who, like all teenagers of his age, hate going to high school but this year will be different, and all because of a girl, but once you meet him, you no longer feel yourself, it is absolutely necessary that you date this girl, regardless of the price . . .

French : Tu est Akemni, un ado normal qui comme tout les ado de son age, détestent aller au Lycée mais cette année sera différente, et tout ca à cause d'une fille, mais une fois après l'avoir rencontré, tu ne te sent plus toi-même, il faud absolument que tu sorte avec cette fille, qu'importe le prix . . .

#textadventure #multiending #psychotic #horror #visualnovel

Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

idk, i want to, post something but my musician wasnt here tday, sad....

ok ok
this game isnt dead, its juste that i take a lotf time for found an team and... i finally did !
i found an story panel/ musician for the game

and an cartoonist

the game engine is like made at 50%

or somthing like this (idk)

hope get a good day


I need cartoonists and people who are attached to the story / script so if you would help me I would be delighted

J’ai besoins de dessinateurs et de personne qui s'ocuppent de l'histoire / script donc si vous voulez bien m'aider je serais ravis