Pull Cart Racing
Pull Cart Racing - MAC Version
Pull Cart Racing - Linux Version
Pull Cart Racing.
A simple, small arcade racing game. That we were assigned to do for TAFE.
Currently, console controls are mixed together(Due to mixed controller mappings); e.g L2 with a PS4 controller will return to the main menu. Steering, throttle and return should work fine -- this will be fixed, and arrow key controls will be added on Wednesday, 3rd of May.
Device | Controls | Supported
PC/MAC | WASD or Arrow Keys(Throttle, Break and Steering) Spacebar or X Key(Choose Cart). ESC(Return to main menu) | Yes
PS4 | R2(Throttle), L2(Break), Left Analog Stick(Steering), X(Choose Cart), Options Button(Return to main menu) | Yes
PS3 | R2(Throttle), L2(Break), Left Analog Stick(Steering), X(Choose Cart), Options Button(Return to main menu) | Needs Testing
Xbox 360 | R2(Throttle), L2(Break), Left Analog Stick(Steering), A(Choose Cart), Back Button(Return to main menu) | Yes