Comments (18)
I guess is not free game then.
Looks really nice, kinda Hotline Miami esqe but you can play with people. Good luck on the project!
this looks awesome
cade o link eu queria jogar ;-;
Definitely gonna get it when I have enough money.
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Put 'Em Up is a physics-based co-op action game in which you and your friends play as anthropomorphic animals. Manually control their arms in an awkward attempt to pull off a series of heists in local and online multiplayer!

Welcome to Put 'Em Up! - a game about a gang of anthropomorphic animals who get involved in a number of heists (and other fun activities) at the behest of Tony, a mad scientist/getaway driver/sewer dweller.

Orchestrate 8 separate heists in unique locations. Earn enough to access the most elaborate environments with the greatest earning potential. Contribute enough of your take to Tony's the gang's stash to deck out Tony's Sewer Palace the gang hideout with cool stuff! Play with other people to complete heists as a team, or just do silly stuff in the sandbox area!

Physics-based puzzles and combat!
Grab, push, pull, punch, jump – all the necessary ingredients of a ridiculous physics-based game. Use whatever you can grab - tools, weapons, an innocent bystander! Use anything and everything to reach your target and achieve the goal!

Up to 4 player Local and Online Co-op
Friends might not make things easier, but they will make things more fun! Probably.
*Local-multiplayer currently supported. Online-multiplayer will be made available in a future update.
Active Ragdolls
Get flung around! Fling others around! Make a mess!

AI controlled Enemies & NPCs
Security will always do their best to put you down. Employees will mostly hide and cower, but sometimes they muster up the courage to be a hero. To them, that means latching onto you and being as annoying as possible. Contrary to what they say, they do not know kung-fu.

In-Game Costume Changes
No heist would be complete without the perfect disguise. Similar to how Clark Kent is totally unrecognisable in his glasses, stick on a uniform and be amazed at how easily you blend in even though you've got a big chicken head.

How far can you throw an NPC? How much stuff can you break in a porcelain shop? How good are you at bad golf? Or maybe you just want to chill in the gang's hideout!

A variety of unique levels! Go on a heist... in spaaaaaace!
Join our Discord server to see sneak-peaks of the upcoming levels as they're developed!

"Your pet has gone to live on a farm!" We've heard it all before. What you probably didn't know is that before many of the animals make it to the... farm, they get intercepted by Tony. He rescues them - brings them back from the... farm, and makes them better than they were before. The least those animals could do is help Tony achieve his mysterious goals.
In Put 'Em Up, players can go straight to a Heist from the main menu, or they can go to the Hideout where they can choose from a number of activities. In a Heist, players must navigate the dangers and puzzles of security systems and personnel until they reach the main objective. Each location consists of a number of sections of increasing difficulty until the objective is reached, after which point the players must wait for extraction. During extraction, players can expect to face a high number of security personnel scrambling to prevent their escape. Hold out until Tony arrives, and make off with the loot! The total loot collected along the way is tallied at the end and added to the stash. Some Heists require easier Heists to be not only completed, but thoroughly completed. We're talking teamwork, efficiency, synergy... but also mainly just getting lots of loot quickly enough.

Think putting a key in a lock is straightforward? Think taking down a guard is as smooth as Agent 47 makes it look? Think again! Nothing is straightforward! Playing as clumsy anthropomorphic animals, you'll need to manually outstretch one or both of your arms in the direction you want, and then engage your hands to grab an object or person. After that, you can press a button to Kobe that object across the room, or else try spinning around and releasing it to yeet the heavier objects and people. Did we get the lingo right?

The Hideout is like a level-select screen, practice/tutorial space, customisation area, and multiplayer recreational zone all rolled into one. From the hideout, you can explore the various mechanics in a safe space. Practice your grabs, throws, and wrestling skills from the comfort of your home! Join a friend in a chill-out zone where you can jump around, doing nothing in particular. Just a chicken and a moose, living in the moment.

Original, funky-fresh beats for your ear holes.

Immediate access to a download of the current build of Put 'Em Up!
Head over to https://www.fig.co/campaigns/put-em-up and buy the game. Come back here to download and enjoy!

The Bank Job consists of four playable sections:
1. The Ground Floor
2. The 2nd Floor
3. The Vault
4. The Rooftop Escape
Our next update (coming very soon!) will add the gang hideout - a place where you can hang out, choose your character, and access mini-games!

Put 'Em Up is a collaborative effort from the teams of both Pewter Games Studios (The Little Acre) and Lopoly Games (The Legend of Danny Crask). Join us on our latest adventure!

#multiplayer #action #putemup #physics #ragdoll #funny #heist #animalheistsimulator #puzzle #localmultiplayer