Comments (20)
First and foremost the games artstyle and soundtrack are exceptional. I do have to say everything else is not really up to par. The game is incredibly buggy, and very unfinished. The amount of bugs I found whilst trying to play the game are quite numerous. I'll go ahead and list em now.
1. Zombies would stop moving if they're eating a shoveled plant.
2. Not sure how or why, but zombie walk cycles would just stop. Causing the zombie to just slide.
3. The sprinter zombie ran right through my wallnuts.
4. On the 1-10 there is a counter on the lawn, constantly counting up. I assume left over debug.
5. I noticed that you can somehow create multiple plant hover icons on the lawn, by moving the mouse over the edge of the lawn tile. Its hard to explain via text.
6. All of the levels by default are unlocked. You can play whatever level you want. I don't know if this is intentional.
7. Some levels are borderline uncomplete-able. Just idling at the end of the level.
8. In the new test world with the green toxic theme, there is a counter on screen that counts up whenever you kill a zombie, once again I assume this is left over debug.
9. The conveyor belt does not store your plants, causing the plant to kind of just, leave?
This is just what I can remember. I'm sure there was more.
The game has promise, but it really needs way more time in the oven. Release may have come too soon. It feels like it was untested.
on level 1-5 the seed packet never shows up on the end of it making it not possible to get the Cherry Bomb. Can you help me with this issue please?
is the game dead @Shir0_ ?
yoooooooo, this fan game is great, it really needs more attention
There are a few bugs, like zombies stopping in place if you remove a plant while they're eating it. And sometimes levels just don't complete even when you kill all the zombies, but it's pretty solid. I do gotta say, though, the zombies are VERY tough, like even in the early levels the zombies have way too much health, speed, and come at you very quickly.
Level 5 is broken, simply put, you kill every zombie and it just doesn't finish. The arrow keys in the alamanc are backwards, you can select iceburg lettuce in the almanac and see it perfectly. Every level is unlocked, including the plants, the sound of the sun is not modulated, peashooter is slow in fire-rate AND weak, the hitboxes go along with the animation so a zombie can hit a peashooter when he leans in on the animation.
Plants vs. Zombies: Breakin' time
Plants vs zombies Breakin' time is the continuation of pvz 2 in mix with 3 Pvz tower defence games. After defeating Dr. Zomboss. His last move was Breaking time. Opening rifts to different times. Everything started peaceful untill rifts started taking Dave's house into different times. Find Dr. Zomboss and fix time! #fangame #pvz #towerdefence #strategy #puzzle #survival #plants #zombies