
Comments (35)

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Did you just try to hack me?

Va a haber versión para android?

*happiness noise*

its bacc boi!


Plants vs Zombies Garden Arena v0.0.5 (Patch Update)

Version: 0.0.5about 2 months ago
The actual game (download the fonts along with it, without it 70% of the texts will default to ariel with different font sizes than planned, thus the text will cut off in some cases)


Version: 1.0.011 months ago
Download ths along with the game, by downloading and installing the font the texts in the game will be as intended

Welcome to plants vs zombies garden arena, a recreation of my extremely old pvz fangame made from the ground up!!

This fangame include:

  • 11 exciting levels in adventure mode!!

  • Versus mode!!

  • 15 plants and 15 zombies!!

  • 4 secret plants and 4 secret zombies hidden by doing specific things in the game, vaguely explained in the achievements!!

  • challenge packs!! levels separated from adventure mode with exclusive rewards!!

  • A slight humorous tone across the whole game!!

And many many more!!

#fangame #pvz #multiplay #strategy

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

heh no posts for a month? well dont you worry cuz 85% of the update is done, there's only 4 things left, reward screen, saving data for adventure mode, shop and revamping the secrets and also a few tiny things and that'll be the update done yipeeee


Hi guys, got a lot to say regarding about the progress of the game and why I've been not showing much from the game recently (dw nothing bad has happened)

sry for not much to show rn, i feel like i showed the most important things of the update enough and plus the less i show the more exciting the update would get when it comes out, anyways heres a question (its in the article cuz i ran out space aaaaaa)

  19 votes Voting finished

OMG WE REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!! it also happened on my bday so this is a surprise gift from you amazing people i didnt expect, if you wanna hear more about ga read the article


idk if this is bad news or not but... (read the article)

hey so ik i said that i might show the project when we got to 100 followers but im not just gonna reach it with doing nothing even if we're so close so i'll just say it here!! (read the article for details) (also art by @RedBrothersX3D

we're SOOO close to 100 followers, maybe i'll show the secret bday project when this game reaches that point

(read the article)

  25 votes Voting finished

hey everyone sry for no update, i forget to post stuff here every 2 weeks lol, for the wait you can see the brand new main menu for alpha 3 :D (progress news in the article)

w.i.p stock img dave jumpscare (as for progress of the game we're getting close to finishing almost everything besides two major things, being adventure mode and revamping the secrets)