Plants vs. Zombies 1: The Wrath of Zomboss Revenge
This is PvZ1: The Wrath of Zomboss Revenge, a game with shitpost and modified rips with a higher than normal difficulty
Zomboss Archives
We assume you are in the laboratory of Dr. Zomboss and opens a folder with files...
Game Soundtrack
Crazy Dave Main Theme 11
- 1.Crazy Dave Main Theme 11
- 2.Choose Your Seeds Remake 2
- 3.Grasswalk 13
- 4.Grasswalk 13 Horde
- 5.Moongrains Remake
- 6.Moongrains Horde Remake 3
- 7.Watery Graves 13
- 8.Watery Graves 13 Horde
- 9.Rigor Mormist 8
- 10.Rigor Mormist 8 Horde
- 11.Graze The Roof Remake 4
- 12.Graze The Roof Remake 4 Horde
- 13.Graze The Roof Variation B
- 14.Graze The Roof Variation B Horde
- 15.Smart Loonboon 2
- 16.Ultimate Battle Remake 4
- 17.Brainiac Maniac REBORN (Better)
- 18.Cerebrawl Remake 2
- 19.Zen Garden Reborn
- 20.There's Zombies Number One 5
- 21.Dialog
- 22.Phonograph (Plants vs. Zombies 1 Song)
- 23.Jack In The Box Zombie
- 24.Dancer 5
- 25.Level Completed
- 26.Final Level Completed
- 27.Zombies Ate Your Brains
- 28.Main Theme 11 (Bad Mix)
- 29.Choose Your Seeds (Pumped Mix)
- 30.Choose Your Seeds (Completed Mix)
- 31.Choose Your Seeds Remake 2 (The Cursed Mix)
- 32.Grasswalk 12 Without References
- 33.MoonGrains Horde (Metal Version)
- 34.Watery Graves (Christian Mix)
- 35.Watery Graves (Christian Mix) Horde
- 36.Watery Graves (The Living Tombstone Edition)
- 37.Watery Graves (The Living Tombstone Edition) Horde
- 38.Watery Graves (The Oscar "The Cursed" Mix)
- 39.sukhbir3 (Gozo Mix)
- 40.Rigor Mormist Beta (Ultimate Edition)
- 41.Rigor Mormist Beta (Ultimate Edition) (Horde)
- 42.Plants vs. Zombies Lawn Of Hell Giga Dave
- 43.Plants vs. Zombies Lawn Of Hell Grasswalk
- 44.Plants vs. Zombies Lawn Of Hell Grasswalk Horde
- 45.Plants vs. Zombies Lawn Of Hell Brainiac Maniac
- 46.Plants vs. Zombies Lawn Of Hell There's Zombies On Your Lawn
- 47.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Choose Your Seeds 3 Extended
- 48.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Grasswalk 3
- 49.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Grasswalk 3 Horde
- 50.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed MoonGrains Horde 3
- 51.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Watery Graves 2
- 52.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Watery Graves 2 Horde
- 53.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Watery Graves 3
- 54.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Watery Graves 3 Horde
- 55.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Watery Graves 3.25
- 56.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Watery Graves 3.25 Horde
- 57.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Graze The Roof 3
- 58.Plants vs. Zombies The Cursed Graze The Roof 3 Horde
- 59.Plants vs. Zombies Ultimate Edition Moongrains 2.0 (Alpha Version)
- 60.Plants vs. Zombies Grasswalk (Beta Horde)
- 61.Plants vs. Zombies Watery Graves
- 62.Plants vs. Zombies Watery Graves Horde
Plants vs Zombies Hard Mode by Sulline
this mod brings the junction of shitposts and new rips, PvZ style The Cursed (by @Starry420)
I hope you like the latest released versions (the ''extra'' package includes the old versions that to play you need to put them inside the game folder, but I don't recommend you to play version 1 and 2)
Original game by: Popcap Games
PvZ2 Assets by: Royal Team & 某个萌新 (PvZ2Pak Team)
Art by: E-Pea, Royal Team & 某个萌新 (PvZ2Pak Team) and Popcap for PvZ3 Sprites
Musics by: Sulline Knight with help from Exclipsy, @Stefan25897, and @Starry420 (PvZ2 Front Yard part in Grasswalk by Starry)
Stinky by Popcap
Flower Pot skin, Scary-Shroom new animation by 窝窝头Runkeben (PvZ TAT Team)
Johnson, Trashcan Zombie, All-Star running, Dancer, Flag Zombie by Aniq
Riot Police Zombie, Backup Dancer, Buckethead Zombie by @Starry420
Mecha Football Zombie by PvZ2 PAK Scorching Technology
Gold Shroom by Royal Team & 某个萌新 (PvZ2Pak Team)
Chilli Pepper by 蔡鸿烨 (PvZ2Pak Future lejano Developer)
Doom-Shroom by VNAC Official & ZoMBosTeRz 69
Grave Buster by Popcap (with PvZ2Pak sprites)
Pumpkin, Gloom Shroom by E-Pea
Primal Potato Mine by PvZ2Pak Lotus Root Developer (I don't know the name of the creator of this mod, sorry)
Digger Zombie, Coffe Bean, Imp Dragon by ZoMBosTeRz 69 & VNAC Official
Dr Zomboss Zombot by Lenny Skeleton
Some zombies have description of this video
Cracked Trashcan sprits by @witherbear
Cracked Wall-Nut Cracked 3 by marcoprincky
Smart Loonboon Originally maded by ShinkoNetCavy's
And thanks to everyone from the PvZ1 modding tutorial doc (this really helped me a lot)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor