
Comments (103)

What do you think?

More ideas for your game!


  1. Midnight cemetery

  2. Autumn farm

  3. Awful office

  4. Z-burger shop

  5. Frozen rink

  6. Construction zone

  7. Foggy town

  8. Kung-fu dojo

  9. Victorian garden

  10. Z-tech industries

how download

I will maybe add this game in my upcoming top 5/10 pvz fan games

Hey where did the project go?

Best one yet

A new experience of Plants vs. Zombies franchise! Mixing the original game and its about time! #strategy #other #towerdefense

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

You can have access to sneak peeks of my games (including lawnmageddon), chat a little with me and more, information on this article:

Some lawnmageddon previews for New Year, guranteed.

Don't forget to join my Discord Server where you can clear your doubts on Lawnmageddon:



You can now only download PvZ: Lawnmageddon Old Edition (Formerly Special Edition) Which contains old assets of the game, I'm really up to remaking the game since I wasn't so experienced the first time around.

I'm actually thinking on remaking the game from scratch, what do you think?

2-4 Already Fixed, I wanted to say that this project is being cancelled, I took this decision because I don't have inspiration to keep up with the project, join my Discord server to see the other projects im working on

For those people who couldn't access adventure mode I already uploaded another build which fixes the problem!


With a lot of surprises coming on, play it by yourself

Things added:

- Redone Menus

- Survival temporarily removed

- New Zombie Generation

- Now you can see the level you were on the Main Screen

- Discord Rich Presence implemented!

I think it's time to continue...