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My name is Glenn Quagmire and I say Giggity. Giggity Giggity. Giggity Giggity Giggity Giggity Giggity Giggity



Family Guy: Quagmire's Dynasty (2004) - Obscure PC CD-ROM Game - A Family Guy Fan Game

Version: 2.1.0about 2 years ago
Since this is an .sb3 file converted to an .exe (using Turbowarp), all you have to do is download the game, extract the .zip file, and run the game! Now, there are 2 versions (Windows and MacOS obviously!)

Family Guy: Quagmire's Dynasty (2004) - Obscure PC CD-ROM Game - (Original Version)

Version: 1.0.0about 2 years ago
Since this is the original version of the game, the difficulty is about 2x harder, and the time you have to work in the courtyard is extended. I think those are the only differences.

‣ Welcome to Quagmire's Dynasty.

You're Going to Work Until You Die ‣

Read First For Context, Skip for Instructions ‣



So this is based off of another thing I came up with earlier this year -

There comes a time in everyone's life where "Quagmire" will choose them to work for him. Every single person on earth has to go through this, no exceptions. You don't know when he will choose you, it just happens randomly, and you will wake up with the mark of Quagmire on your neck. So what it means when he says for you to work for him, is to help build his "Dynasty." His dynasty is just some weird, giant brick compound where there are 100s of people in a courtyard "working."

All that you do is take bricks out of the wall, and put them back. Nothing is getting done. Quagmire is watching over you while you are doing this to make sure you are doing it correctly. If you mess up, or stop working for 1 nanosecond, Quagmire will whip you. The whip feels as if someone "dropped a ten million pound weight on your back but instantly took it off", all over the entire surface of your back. The pain will last for weeks. Quagmire's appearance does not stay the same. Sometimes he will look like a cgi render of the cartoon, but other times he will just be a random Caucasian man with black hair that says he is Quagmire.

There are no breaks from the working, and he will never feed you. The only breaks you have are when Quagmire either chooses you to fight another worker, or play 1 on 1 "Nukem" with him. You have to hope and pray that when he calls you it is not Nukem, because it is an instant death sentence. Quagmire will cheat. If you try to play fairly, he will kill you. If you try to cheat, he will kill you. If you give up and not play, he will kill you.

When he makes you fight another worker, he brings both of you to an empty cement room, and makes you fight to the death. He is doing this to thin out the numbers. Once again, if you cheat, he will kill you. If you don't fight, he will kill you. Quagmire will tell you that the only way to escape is to fight Quagmire, but this will not work. There is no actual escape. He will make you work until you die. When you fight Quagmire, your not fighting the cartoon, you're fighting the man, and you will instantly die from one hit.

From now on, you must hope and pray that you won't wake up with the mark of Quagmire...


Instructions/ Controls:

This game is made to be a simulation of what its like when its your time to work for Quagmire. That means when the game starts, you must instantly start working, or else Quagmire will whip you.

I've made this game ridiculously hard and unforgiving, but still possible to beat, to match the story. If you are looking for an easy game, this is not for you. But, if you are into that sort of thing, or are just looking for a challenge, this is the game for you.

Here are the Instructions

for each individual part of the game:


- Just click on them and wait a second to skip.

Courtyard/ Main Work Area

- Click on Brick Wall to "Work."

- Every time a brick disappears, click on the open space to replace it.

- When a brick is replaced, another will disappear.

- Pausing from clicking for 0.1 seconds causes Quagmire to sense you aren't working, causing him

to whip you.

- Every whip makes the "Pain Meter" rise.

- If the Pain Meter reaches 120, you will die.

Courtyard/ Main Work Area - HUD

- The middle two variables are the Pain Meter and a timer for how many seconds you are working. Every 15 seconds counts as an hour.

- The top right variable is a counter for how many hours you have worked in the courtyard.

- The variable at the top left is a counter showing you how many people Quagmire already has working for him. This will go down by 1 or 2 every couple of minutes, and will go down by 1 after you've fought another worker to the death.

- The bottom left variable is your Hunger Meter, which will go down by 1 every second for two weeks (real time) until you die.

- The bottom right variable is to count how many points you get from working (should be 4-10 depending on how fast or how many hours you've worked.)

- If you manage to get to 500 pts or higher, an icon of "Quagmire Love Seat" will appear on top of the Hunger Meter every time you return to the courtyard. Clicking this will start an attempt to escape by fighting Quagmire. You can not win this fight no matter what, even with cheats.

- After about 1-2:30 of working, Quagmire will decide to give you a break. This will either be playing "Nukem" with him, or fighting another worker.

Break: Fighting Another Worker

- This fight can be very hard if you have no idea what you're supposed to be doing.

- Click the (PUNCH) button to punch and the (BLOCK) button to block.

- Press (Up, Right, Down Left) to heal. This can only be used a certain amount of times before "locking."

- The time variable at the top will be replaced with the other worker's health meter.

- A new time variable will be placed at the top right corner, counting how long the fight has taken.

- The quicker the fight ends, the more points you will receive.

Break: Nukem with Quagmire

- You are going to die here. Quagmire will spike the ball so hard it kills you.

- There is not much you can really do without cheats. You can only block the ball when Quagmire serves it.

- Blocking only takes away a little bit of the pain.

- With cheats enabled, you can heal by pressing (Left, Up, Right) in order, but there is a chance this still won't help.

- If you manage to survive all 15 serves from Quagmire, he will leave, and 50 pts will be granted to the player.

Fighting Quagmire/ Escape

- There is no escape from Quagmire's Dynasty

- You will die here no matter what, even with cheats.

- Quagmire disables blocking, so you can only try to punch him. Good luck trying.



I hope you have as much fun playing this game

as I did making it. I tried to take out as much of the swearing out if I could, so pls don't report. If there is something I missed, please tell me in the comments.

I'm hoping this game does better than the other ones, since everyone loves Quagmire. Not a lot of people know what Malcolm in the Middle or who Paul McCartney is.

If you like our stuff, pls consider following us*, and giving this project a love or a favorite. We'd really appreciate it!

Credits for music samples on my Bandlab page.

Story - Me and @00fermanMain

Code - Me

Music - Me

SVG Assets - Me

Credit to whoever owns these stock images and videos (I believe it's Pond5, iStock, Envato, and CanStock)

Family Guy Font -

Cursor sprites -

Thanks to my play testers!

- "Sink"

- @00fermanMain


*Follow us:



© 2004 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Radical Entertainment LTD. All Rights Reserved.

© 2003 BMG Music and Distribution - For the use of Kelly Clarkson's song "Miss Independent."


This game was not actually made by these companies. Like my other games, it was just made to look like it was! :)


#games #familyguy #fox #trending #quagmire #pc #funny #simbone #simboneenterprises

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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