
Comments (21)

What do you think?

GREATEST FUCKING GAME! Simple, but pleasing! I love the soundtrack! :)

Really original! good game! =)

I love you

Well ain't this just an adorable thang. can you marry me plz.

Fun game all-in-all my only complaint is that when you die and respawn, the sausages don"t reset and caused some unnecessary deaths, also I got 9 scores. :)



Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

'quark' is a platforming game with the goal of getting to the door at the end... over and over again. There are two game modes, 'classic' and 'impossible.' Arrow keys to move, and brain to control hands.

Report any bugs in the comments or message me!

Additional controls: double-tap up to double jump, 'esc' to go to menu, 'r' to respawn.

Thanks :)


Mild Cartoon Violence

quark update released!

I decided to update ‘quark’ regardless of time contraints due to vacation, play it now! :D

quark update!

‘quark’ will be udated very soon! The contents of the update are secret as of now ;) but after I get back from vacation, I will update ‘quark’ :D

'quark' published!

‘quark’ is finally done! I’ve worked pretty hard on it, and have learned a lot! Play if you want, and a rating would give me great feedback :)

Thanks! :D
