
Random Alien's Guide to Defending blah blah blah
This is a Ludum Dare 33 entry. Madness and randomness ensues!
I had this idea on Saturday, but didn't have time and will to get it done.
On other hand I wanted this actually done with diodes and buttons and a Raspberry Pi, but didn't have resources, and it wouldn't really fit LD anyhow.
And so 6 hours before the Jam deadline began my adventure with Construct 2.
I managed to finish 2 hours before the deadline.
Although it might look somewhat bad, I actually like these crappy hand-drawn assets because they prove that I can draw something different than a train :P
Tools used: Construct 2, Autodesk Pixlr, GIMP, bfxr.
The story is fairly simple, this alien here crash-landed on Earth and has to defend itself against some citizens attacking it without even trying to communicate. Because that's what could probably happen in you crash-landed in a Polish city?
Arrow keys are key to your survival, but remember not to hurt these silly guys with missiles, just oppose their attacks.