Comments (14)

hehe, stupid dumb
red sweep bro
Add old games into this (col-labratory demo, refrosted, cheese puffs bossfight, FNWS)
america simulator !!!!!!!!!!!!
eyclac simulator
boss fight with mr cheesepuff
SB RUIN LEAK??????????
red. (world jam 2 game)
silly random crap i've made
games so far:
run around a "americanize" the little kiddies that dyed themselves into the color of the american flag in this super awesome (and very american) 4th of july game!!!!!!!
this game was made from a joke my sister made one time where she said "im gonna play a game called eating my computer like a cracker and you have to buy me a new one". uhh this is just a clicker game. thats it.
this game is also a joke, much like the games before this. this one was made a while ago, and might be one of my highest quality joke projects. press s to skip the beginning cutscene. i dare you to beat it, since its SUPER hard, and you get a silly teaser for something at the end...
oh yeah uh erm the bossfight music is from fnae daylight btw so erm go play that right now !!! fnae daylight: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/797829017/
well well wellllllll. my first FULLY released vector fnaf scratch game. theres gonna be bugs, since it was made in less than a week, but whatever. ok so uhm im gonna go down the list on how you actually defend yourself now.
red (circle dude that smiles constantly): hide in the locker.
fnar red (squareheaded nerd with a vest on): hover your mouse over him.
borgack (angry circle head guy): same as red but on the right side.
meat boy (red block with limbs and a bandaid): hide in the locker until he cries (i forgored audio for him sorry), then use the audio lure on the cams to drive him away. he takes a while so you can defend other threats why he cries in the office.
its buggy as hell rn so i recommend waiting for a patch.
also s to hide in locker.
thats all.
thats it for rn
tags: #fangame #horror #nuhuh #fnaf #action #adventure #rpg #arcade #platformer #retro #roguelike #scifi #survival #pointnclick #whythehell #puzzle #shooter #sports #strategy #other #jumbojoshbrah #birdup #silly #dumbcrap #e (some tags might be useless but idk what in the whatwhat is gonna go here so they'll probably all get used at some point [and some tags are jokes])