Comments (2)
An Asylum Night Shift fangame that actually looks promising? Sign me up!
Can i be a VA for this game?
Discord: Sim_Naum_Ofc
This is my take on an old FNaF mobile clone "Asylum Night Shift"
Fully revamped art style with semi 3D visuals
Redesigned gameplay that brings a more balanced approach to the AI rather than RNG luck
A remade and more fleshed out story
You applied to the infamous Ravenhurst Mental Institution for the graveyard shift. Your job is only temporally since the company moving their location. As you enter you can tell that the building is beginning to show it neglect and age. Power fails constantly, questionable corner cutting and lack of care for inmates. Speaking of inmates, why do they want to attack you?
Modeling and Game code - @Corbz
Asylum Night Shift Series - Digi-Chain Games
FNaF - @realscawthon