
Comments (183)

What do you think?

This game is really good, it got me scared, and alot of non scary ".exe" games came out lately which it's suprising to see an actual good haunted game, I got really scared which I haven't been like it for a long time.

Here is ma vid :

Thank you for making it esier, and thank you for making it, I really really enjoyed playing it :)

I wanna play this, but my fucked up mind makes me scared at playing this game....


Make A Mobile Version Of This Game!

This easter egg jumpscare when you stay too long in the title screen is really scary and the texts in a huge string of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" don't help. I'm honestly not good at this game.


Really Happy Mouse

Version: 1.0.1-2over 10 years ago

Really Happy Mouse v1.0.1.2

by Enclave G


Left and right Keys to walk

Up key to jump

F9 takes a screenshot of the game

Sanity Meter:

This game uses a Sanity meter, this indicates how fucked up mickey's mind is at the moment, also it drops down quickly and when it reaches 0...well you can guess what could happend, the more it drops more your world and your friends will change...

Ribbons and other hazzards:

Ribbons: makes mickey happy, which makes the sanity meter go up so get those ribbons if you dont want bad things happening to mickey

Hanging ropes: makes the sanity meter go down by 5 also there are sectors in the level that makes the sanity meter aslo drop by 5 like water, fake glitched ribbons as well dead ends, mickey doesnt like those

The Black Rabbit: an entity that seems pretty familiar to mickey but it became in a monstrousity made of pure evil, when is encountered it makes the sanity meter drop by 10 everytime so watch out

Endings: there are 4 endings to this game, one its when the sanity meter goes 0, and the other 3 are by reaching mickey house at the end, this other 3 are decided by how much sanity you have, so try to obtain the 3 endings they are very easy to get

Easter eggs: this game has a few easter eggs, one of them is by exiting the game, and the other one...

Warning: do not press any key during the game over screen, you will notice it if mickey's eyes and smile changes...also do not touch any keys in the Disney soft logo seems that changes into something

Also there are some buddys from Youtube that were trapped in the game while playing it and meet a terrible fate.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore

New version of http://Happymouse.exe