
Reborn Heroes
The world needs you again!
Your soul is still strong, it only needs a new human shell. Are you ready to come back to the world and save her again?
Destroy the evil in the world, in order to preserve peace.
You are a reborn hero!
Choose between 3 fallen heroes
Craft items for survival
Random map order (only 3 maps exist)
Walking Monsters (see where the enemies are and avoid a fight if your HP are low!)
Dynamic enemy level (if you lvl up, they will too!)
Every map has it´s own cool features(like traps, sliding puzzle, switch puzzle)
Little side quests
Chop trees or trial pits stones
Learn new skills depending/dependant on your success
Perma dead (you can save your progression to continue at another time, but if you get killed, your save data will be deleted)
Tame a bear!
Weather Effects
Day/Night circle
Monster population will increase on each new map
Plans for the future:
Create up to 10 maps
I'm glad about feedback! :)