Comments (6)
Such a cute game! Can't wait to play episode 2 :)
This game is sweet(pun intended)
I made a video of my experience : https://youtu.be/y03czC9Ly0Q
(Read the description for feedback)
I liked the game quite A lot especially the petting Zoo that came out of nowhere :P
I did A video on it here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_y1Nlti_ro
Get dressed for success! Stand around as you awkwardly make first contact with your charming date! Experience the horror of an over-crowded milkshake-bar! The majesty of a frozen lake! The thrill of an intimate ferris-wheel ride! It's all here!* Destroy depression with the most powerful weapon known to frozen dairy treats; The Power of Love!
Controls: directional buttons and spacebar.
Team Lazerbeam are:
Richard "Nekropants" Pieterse – code, concept & art
Jason "Jaysong" Sutherland – music, sound & art
Ben "Brainfreeze" Rausch – art & concept