Comments (6)
Lovely graphics! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Adventure Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/muDW7ol1c7Y
Really enjoyed it! Great setup, good art, good interaction (just enough to get the player invested but it doesnt overload them) and flows nicely. Im curious to see how a larger version turns out! :)
Very interesting premise. I like the fact that the mood of the character affects your choices. Kinda makes me remember Long Live the Queen, but without the boring spreadsheets and more focused on dialogue. Please, keep developing. :)
I really like the look of this game, but I dunno how to run it? Clicked the link and all, but I feel like I've missed something
Regilla: Developing an Ancient Murder
In Regilla: Developing an Ancient Murder you play out the development of a historically inspired video-game, switching between historians and devleopment perspectives - exploring how relationships, moods, expertise and egos interact. Adventure your way through the development process and try to create a historically valid, entertaining and commercially viable product...
Created using some horrible hackery in Twine for #AdvJam2016.
In a somewhat ironic twist of fate the game could not be implemented due to the historical contributor having some unexpected things come up. So, long story short, this is a proof of concept and development will continue after the jam is done!