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Help the rise of #adliberum, humanities last chance for redemption and to rebuild a utopian state once more.. free from the tyrannical reign of C.E.R.A.
Please bear in mind what you are experiencing is "very early access" - but stick with it, it's growing more and more immense by the day!
LMB = move units (hold shift to run)
RMB = forced shot
ENTER = cycle units
E (over objects) = take
1 - 9 (equip inventory item - weapons only currently)
Num 7 = (rotate left)
Num 9 = (rotate right)
Num - / + = Zoom in / Zoom Out
/ + = set timescale
B = Place Bomb
M = Place Mine
G = Throw Grenade
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed