Comments (5)
ottoman dosen't means arab idiot
and wtf with this items...
wait bro.Its Turkey Why you just describe as Arab? if its in past you can say Ottoman....
awww oyuncular cok tatli! <3
Rival Battle
Rival battle is casual strategy game about medieval warfare, currently there are only france and arab civilization with 4 different unit for every civilization
by the way, sorry for my bad english
hope you enjoy it
Directx June 2010 revision
any video card with 2.0a or more shader
====HOW TO PLAY====
create as many unit and kill as many enemies
don't let your flag destroyed by enemies
the winner is who beat all unit first
easy to play, just click and drop
customize your unit, civ, and colour
with 8 different unit
with 2 different civilization
with 2 different map
nice simple graphic
Q : why there is no score ?
A : score will appear when story mode finished, currently it just finished Custom Game Mode
Q : i got this error "D3DXCompile failed - result"
A : you need to update your DirectX, you can download it here
Q : i got this error "error X5609: Compiled shader code uses too many instruction slots"
A : your video card doesn't meet the minimum requiretment, try to upgrade your video card
Q : i got another error that doesn't mentioned here
A : please contact me so i can fix this bug
Q : is there any android/ios version of this game ?
A : currently no, but maybe sometimes i will make the android/ios version of this game
Q : is this finished yet ?
A : no, there's so many things to do. the final version would be bigger then this
Q : what will appear in next release ?
A : maybe building system and new civilization
version 0.8.1 (Rival Battle / Glow Alpha 2.0)
totally change unit sprite and animation
add civilization "arab"
add 4 arab unit, and 1 new france unit
better game background (map)
changeable custom game
with sound
better gui
better menu
better combat system
better gameplay
version 0.8.0 (Glow Alpha 1.0)
add civilization "france"
add 3 new unit
simple background
unchangeable unit deck
no sound
simple menu
GameDev : Muhammad Alfi Maulana Fikri
Sound: Enterbrain (RPG Maker XP RTP)