
Comments (1)

What do you think?

This game is still in a concept testing stage. It is a concept I came up with while trying to think of an actual game just messing around in Unity. I would like to know what everyone thinks of this concept. Would you play it? What do and don't you like about aspects of the game? Depending on the feedback I get, I will put more/less time into improving the concept and continue to develop the game.


Ro-Shape Concept Demo

Version: 0.1.0over 8 years ago
This is a very short Concept Demo. I wasn't going for length when I made this, just enough to get others' opinions before I move on.

Can you make it through every level? Each level introduces a new puzzle that you must solve by taking control of a shape, with every shape requiring different tactics and using different physics to make it to the end? Ro-shape isn't your typical platformer, however, as the camera rotates with the shape? Take on this interesting take on a puzzle platformer and show the world you have what it takes to Ro-shape your way to victory!


Concept Demo Is Ready to Play!
