Comments (6)
Fantastic game! Really like it so much I have even installed it on Android!
More challenging than it looks. Good job, developer! Looks great and puts a nice, creative spin on rock paper scissors.
Really cool ! Love the art ! :D
Rock, Paper, Wizards!
Rock, Paper, Wizards! puts the magic back in the classic game of rock, paper, scissors, and provides an endless adventure.
HOW TO PLAY:Players choose (tap) either rock, paper, or scissors and wage battle against CPU opponents with the same options. The challenge lies in recognizing what the opponent will choose (Rock, Paper, or Scissors) quickly and choosing the correct option to defeat it in the time allowed.
Players follow Oscar Burlin, as he battles an endless stream of mythical creatures, such as will-o'-the-wisps, goblins, gnomes, hippalectryons, tiny minotaurs, tarot card people, enamored rabbits, smiling spiders, wicked witches, and pint sized wizards in the annual Magicians, the Gathering contest.
When the red health bar drops to zero from its five ticks, the game is over and the player must restart from level one, using what they've learned and their more developed skills to last even longer in the contest during the next play through.
Health can only be gained by defeating a goblin king and looting his treasure chest for a single health bar segment. The goblin king is also randomly generated.
More enemies are planned in future updates, so keep an eye out for updates.
Mild Cartoon Violence