Comments (4)
I love these game! :)
Nice start! Are you still going to continue it? I included it in part 54 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/aSl3aPKtLn4
This game is simple yet very addictive. 5/5
Love the style!
The Gilded Sky Thief
This is my entry for #indiesvspewdiepie
It's a simple platformer that involves focus and speed! Think American Dragon fused with a midieval Castlevania feel. Since I didn't have a team or anybody to manage my time I only got around to making one mission but if you give it a chance you may end up enjoying just that. Additional Info below:
If you would like to play with a Joystick instead of the keyboard press Ctrl+Y in-game. This will take you to a grid of available gamepads. Place the "Player 1 X" into the "Joystick 1" slot and set your keys!
If you are having trouble going back to the main menu press the Esc button
If the game recognizes one of your keys as "none" don't be alarmed! The key is memorized but the build of the game is not native to your computer (per say)
Dahven is a merciless theif who has the ability to shapeshift into a vicious, gilded dragon. He spends his days taking a Robin Hood approach to everyday life until he is exposed to a dying kingdom under corrupt rule. It's now up to him to put an end to the King and give the people what's rightfully theirs.
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed