Comments (3)
Hello Damon Pearce,
I'd like to thank and congratulate you for creating a game in the local multiplayer jam. I have made a video compilation of all the game entries, including yours. If you would like to take a look, please follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjh_hX3EmyU&hd=1
The game looks so polished! I like the fact that the environment is your biggest enemy. I can't wait to play this one with four players!
~ Thijs (organizer of the jam, owner of indiedev.nl)
Good fun game. I'd like to see multiple keyboard players, but still fun all the same.
I don't have a joystick :-(
But seems to be very fun with more players!
Can you make it a LAN option?
Rocket Reaction
Knock people into deathtraps with rockets, without falling victim to your own recoil! 4-player local deathmatch game. Pretty straightforward.
#localmultiplayerjam game.
This is a game I created for Adelaide's Jamalaide, a 32 hour jam. We got a good response, and seeing as Jamalaide was running at the same time as Local Multiplayer Jam, we figured we'd continue to improve it for submission to that, too. A few late nights later, and we have this :)
The theme of jamalaide was 'reaction'. So this game is about action/reaction; your gun has a recoil that will increase the more powerful your shots are. The aim is to knock your friends into spikes and stuff, without knocking yourself in in the process. It's pretty fun!
I worked on this with Dan Beaumont who did the art. We hadn't met before this. Jams are so cool like that.
Have fun with the game!