Comments (8)
SO FUN! It's like LEGO but it's driver
Looks Awesome i would love to play this!!
a low budget carmageddon where people turn into lego blocks? can't get better ! xD
good job, voted and rated!
If you have time plese check out Super Nanny Sleepytime
This is hilarious Slojanko! My favoreite part was the 3d blood, who knew those pesky humans could be so elusive? Really diggin the art, we did voxel in our game as well, check it out here
Really fun, running over people. Well made! I included it in part 9 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Run'em over Jam release
Run'em over
Run'em over is exacly what the title says. Drive over as many pedestrians as you can in 1 minute and become the bringer of death.
Made with 2 great people in collaboration:
Ryan Fuller
Show them some appreciation and visit their profiles.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed