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Scarfaced Tech Demo (Pre-Alpha)

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago

Scarfaced is planning to be an FPS Game made by Sinkez Studios with UE4. Currently, development is going well but due to changing story, we cannot provide more information about the plot of the game.

Any early access builds or tech demos do not represent the final product and we cannot guarantee any consistent updates. #shooter

Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language

Showcasing: One of the possible loading screens you can get during loading.

This is a preview of a showcase map for now, so please ignore the low-quality ground textures. Scarfaced is the game in the screenshot, and it is currently in a Pre-Alpha stage.

Scarfaced Devlog 02/10/2022

- Graphical Settings
- New WIP Story Map (Inaccessible in the Tech Demo for now)
- Tech Demo Released

- Light Baking changed to Max Quality

We've released a tech demo with some basic testing levels. We may update this tech demo until we feel that the game is ready to go into a full early access period.

Scarfaced Devlog 01/10/2022

We did some work to the pre-alpha build and added these features in a single 20 hour development session.

- 2 New Test Maps
- Main Menu
- Pause Menu
- Loading Screens
- Better Lighting
- Pre-Alpha Watermark